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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

The book of Genesis is a book about origins. In fact, the name Genesis means precisely that, origins. Now, allow me to mention as we begin our study today the things which the book of Genesis mentions as originating. First of all, we have the origin of the cosmos. That is, of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1 and verse 1. Cracking the Genesis Code

We have the origin of plants spoken of in Genesis Chapter 1. We have the origin of animals. We have the origin of man… The origin of woman… The origin of sin… The beginning or the origin of death… The beginning or the origin of redemption… The beginning of nations… The beginning of languages… The beginning of Israel… And even the beginning of the Arabs, or the Arabic nations. 

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

In this study of the identity of the second beast of Revelation 13, which rises from the "earth", rather than the "sea" which the previous beasts had arisen from, Pastor Bohr expands upon his previous three lectures and shows with twelve identifying points how the rise and dramatic fall of America has been foretold in Bible prophecy.

The final, intense battle between the Prince and the dragon on earth will be revealed, as America will someday be pressured to give up its Christ-inspired lamblike qualities and will "speak as a dragon" by repudiating its Constitutional safeguarding of the protection of the freedom of an individual's choice of worship or belief system from any powers that want to control the conscience. It will then, while pretending to still hold Christian values, revive the "life" of the first beast of Revelation 13, pay full homage to its system, and use its military, technological and economic strength to force the world to worship the first beast by making an image that copies the secret of its power. A counterfeit system of ecumenical worship and prophetic interpretation, so accepted and growing more and more rampant among Christians today, as well an increased blending of the powers of church and state, will finally lead to its collapse into the hands of "Babylon".

This presentation includes some interesting history of religious persecution in the colonial years of America which influenced how its Constitution was set up and understood. It also discusses two stories from the book of Daniel that illustrate what the proper separation of church and state entails.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

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In this first of two presentations about the meaning and value of the Sabbath day of rest, established by Jesus right after He had created man, Pastor Bohr shows how God blessed it and gave us this weekly holy period of quality time to spend nurturing our relationship with Him and to reflect on all He has done in creating the beautiful natural world around us for us to enjoy. He shows how it was kept by Jesus, the apostles and all the Christians in the New Testament and has not been lost in time or made invalid by Christ's death on the cross. He answers various reasons and excuses many Christians give to avoid keeping it because they think it cramps their time and lifestyle.

Even though the Fourth Commandment was given in written form on tables of stone to the Jews at Sinai in establishing the laws of that chosen nation of people from whom the Messiah would spring from, it was not intended just for them, as many think today, but its wording points back to creation as its authority, when the Sabbath, like marriage, was first given as a gift by God to Adam and Eve for every man and woman who would descend from them. It was established before there was any sin or sacrifices and ceremonial laws. Its original purpose was to give men a break from their everyday activities, to spend time in rest and loving fellowship with God and to forever remind them that He is the only Creator and Sustainer of the universe and has exclusive right to their worship and loyalty, so that they would not to fall into the trap satan did of thinking himself his own god and rule maker.

Adam and Eve sinned when they doubted the authority and requirements of their Creator and wondered if satan was right in saying that they themselves were equal with God and didn't need to follow His rules. They had not seen God create them and therefore by faith were to take Him at His Word that He had, but they ended up choosing to believe another master and had to learn the hard way what deception, pride and living by ones own rules does to man.

This subject is of great importance, because by keeping His Sabbath day the way that He has specified, we confess that Jesus Christ is our Creator, Redeemer and Authority and we also proclaim to the world that sin is doubting that He is our Creator, Redeemer and Lawgiver. These are the very issues at stake in the whole history of the great controversy between Christ and satan. It is a matter of showing faith in God's Word versus our own works, laws and standards. We thus proclaim that we are created beings and not evolved from a big bang or some other means from eons past.

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Seek Tv
4 Views · 2 years ago

In this presentation, Pastor Bohr discusses how the perfect and free nature that mankind was originally created with changed after Adam and Eve sinned, causing our whole race to become corrupt from the core and slaves to sin right from birth. Because of this, misery and woe have spread and increased in our world and many feel burdened down with guilt, failure and low self-image. But God has set up a means whereby we can be forgiven of and washed from our past sins and be reborn into a new nature provided for us by Christ's victory over sin and death on the cross. Jesus now stands as the perfect representative of the human race instead of Adam.

Baptism into His name is the public expression of our desire for and acceptance of that change of nature, of drowning our past life to death and of joining a new family of brothers and sisters and followers of Christ. When we come up out of the water, we resurrect with Jesus into a new life of unselfish love for others and ever increasing victory in our daily struggles with sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit given us at baptism. We also become joint heirs with Christ of His inheritance from the Father.

This subject is of vital importance, because Jesus said that we cannot see the kingdom of heaven unless we are born again and baptized by His grace of water and of His Spirit. Pastor Bohr shows why it is important that we are baptized by immersion and at an age of understanding and accountability, just as Jesus was, as there are many kinds of baptism practiced in the churches of today that do not fulfill all of the meaning this ceremony teaches us. This hope-filled sermon shows how we can experience true rebirth, joyous victory and full release from fear, guilt and failure to overcome sin in our lives.

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Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

In this sermon, Pastor Bohr studies a story which is a prime showpiece of Genesis' pattern of recording historical events that also have prophetic significance.

The story of Abraham's willingness to offer Isaac as a sacrifice clearly has many parallels to God the Father offering His submissive and willing Son Jesus to die in our place and to His subsequent resurrection. Even the very place where the temple was to be built and where Jesus would die, as well as the amount of time He would suffer and what material He would be sacrificed on, was foreshadowed by this event.

Jesus was the One Who made the promises to Abraham about his Seed that would restore to mankind the worldwide dominion, conquering of enemies, abundant blessings, and holy descendants that Adam had forfeited. He alone fulfilled His own promise, through His perfect life and death, and gives these blessings to all spiritual Israelites who accept Him.

Pastor Bohr underlines the important Bible truth that all these promises were made, not to Abraham's human descendants, to be fulfilled by and in the nation of Israel, as many prophecy teachers erroneously teach today, but only to Abraham's unique and "only begotten" Seed, Christ, Who alone perfectly fulfilled them. No promise that He has made can ever be irrevocably given or fulfilled to Israel or to anyone else as long as they do not accept Him as the only perfect Seed of Abraham. We must all be adopted by baptism into Him as His brothers and sisters in order for the blessings to shared with us. This encouraging sermon will show that when we are tested with trials and sorrow and seem to have no way out, "the Lord will provide" for us what He has said He would.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

The events of Revelation 12 are expanded upon in Revelation 13. Pastor Bohr here compares chapter 13 with Daniel 7 as the battle between the Prince and the dragon is described in more detail. The symbols in Daniel 7 of four beasts, ten horns, winds and waters, and the identity of the little horn are all clearly deciphered.

He then shows how the first beast of Revelation 13 is the same power as the little horn Antichrist. Just as Nebuchadnezzar tried to change God's order of prophetic events, so most Christians today have been fooled by the devil to think that the Antichrist has not appeared in history yet, but this presentation proves otherwise. This Antichrist beast has two major stages in history and has almost fully revived after it had been given what appeared to be a deadly wound.
Pastor Bohr unravels the clues in these chapters as to who this beast is, how it was judged at the end of its first stage, and how to find the meaning of the number 666 which represents its name.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

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This second presentation about the history and meaning of seventh-day Sabbath observation shows how the manna episode in the time of Moses was, not only a way to teach the importance of worshiping God the way He has asked us to, but also a prophecy pointing forward to Jesus, the true Bread of Life, Who would die on a Friday and rest in the tomb on Sabbath in His recreating us and giving us a second chance.

He paid the death penalty that we deserved, according to the instructions given through Moses in regard to the breaking of the Sabbath and all the other commandments. Thus, the Sabbath now also commemorates our trust and rest in His work of redemption as well as in our original creation. Pastor Bohr shows how the Sabbath was intended as an eternal sign of our acceptance of these things and was given not only for literal Jews, but for all people who become spiritual Israel when they accept Christ. He also compares the two versions of the Ten Commandments, as found in Exodus and Deuteronomy, and unfolds an enlightening difference in the motivation and reason they give for keeping the Sabbath commandment, that most of the Christian world has not recognized in them. He examines what the prophets said about how the Sabbath is a delight to keep, how Israel was punished by the Babylonian captivity for breaking it, and how the Gentiles would adopt it both then and in the future as they accepted Christ.

We also see in this sermon how Jesus is the Creator and Lord of the Sabbath, how He gave us an example in how to keep it, how Paul and the other apostles kept it and how we will still celebrate it in the re-created New Earth, giving us a third reason for keeping it a holy and special.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

In this presentation Pastor Bohr studies ten points about the nature of man. He answers the following questions with many Bible texts and examples: What is life? What is the body composed of? What is the spirit of man? What is the soul and what happens to it after we die? How was man created? What was the Tree of Life for in Eden and why were angels sent to guard it? Does man have an immortal soul? What is death? Why does the Bible refer to it as sleep? Where does man go when he dies? If we die is there hope for living again? When will death be totally eradicated? Will everyone eventually make it to heaven? How do we reconcile texts which say that we have eternal life right now with others that say we will rise at the resurrection? How is the need for Jesus having come to earth to die for us and His coming again to take us to heaven affected by what we believe about this subject? Why are these things especially important to understand in these last days?

In a world saturated with the occult influencing Hollywood movies, astrologers, channelers and New Age mystics and with reports of many people claiming to have near death experiences and to see and talk to angelic visitors or deceased loved ones, we need to be armed with understanding the hidden motives and forces behind these spiritual phenomena that claim there is immediate life beyond death. As with every wrong doctrine, how we look at this subject determines whether our belief brings glory to God or glory to man and the devil.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Revelation 12 bears a very close resemblance to Genesis 3:15, as well as to the life of Moses and the Exodus story, and is one of the best examples in the Bible of the unfolding of the battle between the woman and her Seed against the dragon and his seed.

Pastor Bohr carefully compares the three passages to help understand what is meant by these symbols. Revelation 12 describes three major stages in the Great Controversy, culminating in the final warfare where the dragon vents his utmost fury against the remnant of the woman's seed. There are many fascinating comparisons in this lecture that show clearly that Moses' life prefigured Christ's experience, as well as His church's battle in the wilderness of temptation and compromise as the devil tried to overthrow her.

Pastor Bohr answers questions about what happened to satan because of the cross and why he didn't want Christ to die on it, yet at the same time he had been trying to kill Him earlier throughout His life. He also answers what is meant by the Seed's seed and why the end time saints are called the remnant.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

A big issue and key in the interpretation of Bible prophecy is the matter of correctly identifying who true Israel is in Scripture. Should we interpret the scriptural meaning of Israel, as understood by New Testament writers, to refer to those who are simply literal descendants of Abraham, and therefore interpret prophecies referring to Israel as only having fulfillment in some supposed future Jewish dispensation, after a secret rapture, as most preachers teach today, or do we apply them as meaning anyone who has accepted and follows Christ, Abraham's true Seed, as the Messiah? Pastor Bohr proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Israel that God accepts and fulfills His promises to today are individuals from any nation who have accepted Christ as the Messiah and that no promise will be fulfilled to Israel as a secular nation anymore because they did not accept Him when He came and still do not. He studies Jesus' fig tree and vineyard parables and delves especially into what Paul has to say in Galatians 4 about the spiritual meaning of Hagar's son Ishmael and Sarah's son Isaac. He shows how both sons were Abraham's literal seed, but only those born of faith into the second birth, represented by Isaac, can inherit the promises made to Abraham, made viable by his Seed, Christ. Therefore, those literal Jews who do not become reborn as spiritual Jews by faith in Jesus are really Ishmaelites/Arabs and any Ishmaelites who accept Him are really Jews in God's reckoning. Only by both accepting Jesus could there ever be any lasting peace in the Middle East. We all must be born again spiritually into Christ and leave behind the natural first birth of our own works, which leads to slavery to sin and disinheritance of the promises. The key to prophecy is Jesus, not Israel. This lesson is crucial in properly understanding the language referring to Israel, Zion, Megiddo and Babylon found in the book of Revelation.

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Seek Tv
4 Views · 2 years ago

Adam and Eve did not see God create them. God wanted to test them to see if they had faith in His Word that He was truly their origin and Creator and to find out if they would thus display their love and devotion for Him by commanding them to not eat fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This tree was not fundamentally different from any other tree in the garden except as God had set it aside as off limits for man's personal use.

The garden of Eden is no longer with us, but God has made another test and sign of faith for His people that has often been cast aside, forgotten or ignored. Pastor Bohr compares the many aspects of the test of the forbidden tree with the test that God has given especially in these last days of keeping the Sabbath holy. Just like the tree was similar to the others in Eden, it is no different from any other day of the week, except that God has set it aside for holy use and not for our everyday personal pursuits. It also tests our loyalty as to Who our Creator and Authority is and warns against us attempting salvation by our own merits or thinking we developed from natural causes and are immortal. We do not choose what day we want to become holy and set apart for worship. Only God has that right and He has chosen the seventh-day Sabbath as holy ground which we are to honor and respect. God alone can define what is holy and good and what is evil and when we set up our own definitions we make ourselves as God and rebel against the fact that we are His creatures.

This revealing presentation shows just how the Bible explains that the Sabbath is the test, mark and seal for God's loyal people today and how it is the center and focal point of the covenant between God and His people as given in the Ten Commandments. It further reveals why satan has such a hatred against it as it stands in the way of his claim to be God. He inspired the Jews of old to break and disregard it many times and he continues to dismantle it today as most of the Christian church no longer believe in its validity. Pastor Bohr shows how this came about through the power and decrees of the beast power of the Middle Ages, and how satan thus deceived men and set up a rival day of worship, Sunday, to counteract what God has chosen. Through deceit and long-practiced tradition, he has made it a counterfeit replacement of the true test of worship and loyalty.

Pastor Bohr shows clearly how this is really a form of idolatry and how it will become a world wide issue in the very end, as men will be forced to choose whose authority they will accept as revealed in the sign that they will keep-God's mark and seal or the mark and seal of the beast. True worship and who we will obey are the final issues all will be tested on.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

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This presentation begins a section of four lectures that deal with the battle between the seeds of the woman and the serpent, as illustrated in history and in the end time events of the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation.

In this sermon, Pastor Bohr examines this play and counterplay of history as revealed by symbols in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar's image in Daniel 2. This foundational chapter is the skeleton, framework and overview for all the rest of Bible prophecy. God is shown to overrule in history to defeat satan's purposes of world control. Each metal in the image represents a world empire in which each followed the other, thus confirming the historical flow interpretation of prophecy that opens up most clearly where we are in prophetic events.

A very interesting section of this sermon goes into detail on what the clay means that is mixed with the iron in the feet and toes of the image. This sermon will encourage you that God will work everything out for good in our complex world and He will win the battle in the end.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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There was no suffering or death in the Garden of Eden, but after sin we have become a disarrayed world full of violence, terrorism, abuse, greed, disease and suffering.

This sermon delves into the results of sin that affect us and how our hearts became corrupt, "deceitful and desperately wicked" (Jer.17:9). We need to see that we cannot trust our own hearts and desires but need a power beyond us to guide us. We sin because we are born with selfish and corrupt natures that naturally cause evil actions.

Pastor Bohr describes our hopeless sinful condition and then shows how God's Law was given to wake us up to our corruption and send us to Christ for cleansing and power to live a changed life. Those who try to lessen the importance of God's Law or do away with any of its commandments, do away with the only standard that tells us what sin is, for: "I would not have known sin except through the Law". (Rom. 7:7)

Christ came to forgive us for our past sins, by taking the penalty and curse for our breaking of the Law upon Himself when He died. Then the Spirit comes and gives us a new heart transplant, so that we obey God out of love and gratefulness for all He has done for us.

Many Christians want the forgiveness part, but do not like to dwell on the changes needed in the life to live up to the high standard God has set for us to reach in Christ Jesus. This sermon shows the steps to the new birth from our old natures, how we come to hate sin by seeing what it did to Jesus, and how to feed our new natures so they can grow to maturity.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Not only did Jesus apply the story of Noah as having parallel end time events, but He also said that the story of Lot in Sodom is both historical and prophetic as well. Pastor Bohr shares amazing comparisons between the judgment messages of the three angels that visited Sodom just before it fell and the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14 who warn of a judgment of fire and brimstone coming upon those who refuse to leave spiritual Babylon, who commits spiritual immorality, is focused on materialism and is full of self-satisfied ease and pride.

Like Lot, who tried to warn any who might be still righteous to get out of the city, we are called with a message for God's people to come out of this worldwide corrupted system before it is too late. The angels protecting Lot and closing shut the door of his house, the smoke rising from Sodom, the "eternal fire" that burned Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, the four types of people described in this story, all have their counterparts in the final judgment of this world. Many believe the wicked will be the ones burning forever in hellfire, but Pastor Bohr shows us how the Bible clearly says that only the righteous will be able to survive and live in the eternal fire.

Find out what this "fire" really is and how this story proves the Adventist view of the doctrine of hell to be the correct one. He also shares what Christians need to be like in order to become fireproof, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were, and to stand through the judgment and the final destruction of this world.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

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There is no subject Jesus talked about more frequently in His teachings than the subject of money and its potential for blessing or ruin. In this presentation, Pastor Bohr lays out four principles found in Genesis that pertain to God's original guidelines and principles on this subject. God is the Creator, and therefore the Owner, of all things. He also left the riches of heaven to give us His life in re-creating us and saving us from sin and final death. Our life, ability and strength and all that we have comes to us from Him and not from any of our own efforts. He has made us His administrators or stewards of His material blessings and He asks of us back, as a test of our faithfulness, devotion and honesty, a tithe of all our increase. He also asks of us freewill offerings to further support and advance His gospel cause on earth. But these sacrifices are nothing compared to what He has given us.

Pastor Bohr shares several fascinating comparisons that demonstrate that just like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was set aside from the use of Adam and Eve, the tithe is a test today of our recognition of Him as Owner of all and His set aside portion is not to be used for our own pleasure. He also shows how the stories of Joseph and Potiphar and Elijah and the widow of Zarephath vividly illustrate the principles of tithing and stewardship.

Some Christians say that tithing was a requirement made only for the Jewish system and God doesn't worry over whether we pay tithe or not today, but Pastor Bohr shows that men were returning tithe to God's servants even before the time of Moses and Paul makes clear in the New Testament that tithes are still to support the work of God's ministers on earth. We cannot take anything from this life but our characters and therefore we should store up treasure in heaven, where it is safe from degradation and destruction, by using all we have to honor God and to advance His kingdom of grace on earth by our financial support.

Jesus taught that when we invest our talents of any kind, they will increase with use but if we withhold from God His own, we will suffer under a curse and will end up losing everything we have tried to hold on to in this life. God has increased blessings in store for those who take Him up on His promises and test His sworn Word to take care of those who honor Him with their tithes and offerings. They will discover the joy and peace of those who find "that it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).

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1 Views · 2 years ago

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In this lecture, Pastor Bohr applies the story of Cain and Abel by showing that it is a microcosmic prophecy and illustration of the similar, but worldwide, expanded war of Armageddon that will culminate the final scenes of this world's history. He shows how it is a worldwide spiritual battle between true worshipers and false and not a literal war in the Middle East between the Arabs, Russians and Chinese loading up against the little plot of land that is the nation of Israel, as many prophecy teachers try to promote today.

The real issues at Armageddon are who we accept as our authority as to how we will worship, whose law we will obey, whose mark we will take and if we will be clothed by Christ's righteousness or walk naked in our own works of disobedience. You will discover what Cain's mark that preserved him represents, what the "beast" that "crouched at his door" represents, why he killed his brother, how Abel's and future martyrs' blood cries from the ground and calls for justice, and how two distinct forms of worship started back then that will culminate in the false seed persecuting their faithful brothers and sisters when these issues are fully developed at the end.

This story also shows how we are not a special chosen seed by blood or lineage but by faith and character. Like Adam and Eve, those who survive Armageddon will have accepted the blood of the Lamb to cover their sins and to clothe them with obedient and righteous characters.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

These presentations will help you comprehend the intimate relationship between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience.

On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. These presentations will help you comprehend the intimate relationship between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience. 52 sermons in this series.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

The book of Genesis is a book about origins. In fact, the name Genesis means precisely that, origins. Now, allow me to mention as we begin our study today the things which the book of Genesis mentions as originating. First of all, we have the origin of the cosmos. That is, of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1 and verse 1. Cracking the Genesis Code

We have the origin of plants spoken of in Genesis Chapter 1. We have the origin of animals. We have the origin of man… The origin of woman… The origin of sin… The beginning or the origin of death… The beginning or the origin of redemption… The beginning of nations… The beginning of languages… The beginning of Israel… And even the beginning of the Arabs, or the Arabic nations. 

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

When God created this earth, He provided and set up eight perfectly balanced elements and laws that man was to use to keep himself in good health. Pastor Bohr examines how these laws were to be adapted and implemented at five distinct periods of human history. He describes the effects that the entrance and curse of sin had in changing certain conditions in nature and how the second curse of the flood even further degraded and changed conditions on the earth which affected health and longevity. He discusses why the Tree of Life was taken from man after sin and how it, and all of what God originally created for our best health, will once again be restored to man in the new earth's Eden.

God has an ideal health plan for man today and how much we buy into that plan affects our happiness and our ability to discern God's will, to overcome sin and to build holy characters, which are needed now more than ever before in order to endure the trials of faith and temptation and to develop the unyielding stamina necessary to face the closing scenes of this earth's history. Our bodies are temples for the spiritual indwelling of the Holy Spirit and therefore deserve the best of care. "The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being" (MH 130). Breathing pure air, drinking and properly applying water, getting enough sunlight, exercise and rest, practicing temperance, eating a healthy diet and trusting in God's power are the factors that help to keep the vitality we each were born with at a premium.

Pastor Bohr delves into some fascinating scientific evidence that shows that each of us inherit from our parents a constitutional energy or vital force that we can either foolishly burn off too fast by bad habits and overindulgence or conserve for the times we will need it most by a wise and proper use of our powers in forming correct and balanced health habits. For those who question whether a Christian should drink alcohol, smoke, and use unclean or other meats, he examines principles from the Bible that show us what our motivation should be in learning how to discern what is good or bad for us to partake in and what the ideal diet is that God intended for man. This is a health lecture with a different twist than any you may have heard before and those who purchase the study guide that goes with this series will find it valuable to have a fuller picture of this important subject.

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