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22. The Antichrist & the # 666 || Cracking the Genesis Code

3 Views· 28 October 2022
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The events of Revelation 12 are expanded upon in Revelation 13. Pastor Bohr here compares chapter 13 with Daniel 7 as the battle between the Prince and the dragon is described in more detail. The symbols in Daniel 7 of four beasts, ten horns, winds and waters, and the identity of the little horn are all clearly deciphered.

He then shows how the first beast of Revelation 13 is the same power as the little horn Antichrist. Just as Nebuchadnezzar tried to change God's order of prophetic events, so most Christians today have been fooled by the devil to think that the Antichrist has not appeared in history yet, but this presentation proves otherwise. This Antichrist beast has two major stages in history and has almost fully revived after it had been given what appeared to be a deadly wound.
Pastor Bohr unravels the clues in these chapters as to who this beast is, how it was judged at the end of its first stage, and how to find the meaning of the number 666 which represents its name.

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