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3 Views · 2 years ago

God tested Adam and Eve by giving them a very simple command to obey and telling them what the results would be if they broke it, but He did not explain the reason He was testing them. Neither of them had actually seen Christ create them or anything else, so their faith in God's word that He was their Creator, and their love for who He was and all He had done for them, would be demonstrated by their choice of obedience to His command not to eat from the tree.

Satan is the master of deception and he approached Eve on the grounds that since she had not seen God create them, how would she know that He was actually their Creator and authority who made the rules for His creation to run smoothly by, and he made her wonder if God was jealously trying to keep them from entering a higher sphere as His equals by denying them access to the tree that would give them godlike qualities and power to make their own rules of life.

To help us escape his devices, Pastor Bohr studies five methods of deception that Satan used on Eve and will also use with great success at the end of time. Acting like an angel of light and working to deceive, not only with worldly conduits, but especially with many influential leaders under the guise of Christian religious authorities, he will perform signs, wonders and miracles, misuse and misquote God's Word, and get people to rely on their senses, emotions and internal impressions of "being led by the Spirit of love" rather than on the Word of God and its clear Ten Commandments which define what true love is, in order to try to deceive even the very elect if possible. Satan will especially attack the sign given in God's Law that points to who our Creator and authority is. The majority of the world and of professed Christians will be lost "because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved", but believed "the lie" and "had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2Thess.2:10-12). The counterfeit will pan itself off as the genuine and we must be prepared to resist what Eve fell for and overcome the way Jesus did when He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

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In this presentation, Pastor Bohr shows that those who doubt the story of Noah's Ark and the worldwide flood must also discount the testimony of Jesus, Peter and Paul, who all spoke and wrote about Noah and the flood as being real. He shares several reasons why this story is historically true and is also prophetic of end time events. He discusses how satan, by influencing the mixing of Seth's descendants, called the "sons of God", with Cain's rebellious descendants in marriage, almost destroyed the holy line from which the Messiah would come until there were hardly any righteous men left on earth. The mixture of Christianity with the world is leading to increasingly similar results in these last days as the love of pleasure, greed, idleness, pride, sexual sins and violence corrupt many in the church as well as unbelievers.

Pastor Bohr also shows how the shut door of the ark, the seven days they had to wait inside, and the words that the wicked were "taken away", all have important meaning for the understanding of last day events. Jesus gave four parables at the end of His talk about the signs of His coming that show how we are to prepare for what is ahead. This sermon will encourage you to heed the "three angels" who sound a warning message similar to Noah's, to separate from the sins of "Babylon", to put your all into building up the cause of God and to leave the results with Him.

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1 Views · 2 years ago

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In this amazing presentation, Pastor Bohr shows how the story of David and Goliath is a vivid illustration of the battle between Christ and satan and a prophecy of the bruising of the serpent's head at the cross and his final beheading at the very end. Many events in Christ's life, including His birthplace in Bethlehem and the forty days of temptation in the wilderness, closely parallel David's life, and He is even called in Scripture "the Son of David".

Taking the place of Israel's first king, Saul, who forfeited his kingdom by persistent disobedience and who, in cowardice, would not fight the giant, David thus became a representative symbol of Christ, Who, against all odds, slew the giant, satan, that our first king, Adam, fell to and Who thus replaced Adam as the representative King of the whole human race. His reward from the king for slaying the giant was great riches, the hand of the king's daughter in marriage and freedom for his family and the brothers who misunderstood and doubted him-all symbols of the rewards Christ purchased for Himself and us. David also represented the Good Shepherd and Lamb of God by his expertise at caring for his sheep and risking his life for the flock under his watchcare. This sermon will encourage you to trust, not in any human armor, but in the power of the Rock/Stone Who fights our battles for and with us.

We can and must, in Christ's Name, act with decisiveness and without hesitation in slaying the giant of sin in our lives, because satan is a defeated foe who already has had his deathblow bruise given at the cross and is numbed and powerless to overcome those "David's" who live by faith, as he awaits the final severing of his head at the Millennium.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

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There are hundreds of varieties of Christian denominations and churches in the world today that have developed and changed over time from the original church founded by Jesus in the Bible. In this bewildering array of choices, are there any guidelines found in Scripture which will point us to which of these is described by the last day remnant church found in Revelation 12:17?

Is there a biblical outline and description of what these people will believe and practice that will be the base to guide us to the proper choice, or are we to just choose any church we please based on such things as which one has a large number of members or attendees, the most charismatic preacher, the most variety of programs, the most conveniences, or the best emotional or exciting appeal to us?

Pastor Bohr carefully examines Revelation 12 and 13 to show that God has given us at least ten identifying characteristics of where we can find His chosen and pure church in the last days that will be trying to reflect to the fullest extent what He has asked of us to believe and to preach. He shows how this church will undo the change of the times and the Law that the little horn attempted to do in the past and will attempt once again.

The end time remnant of the woman's seed of Genesis 3:15 will be opposed by the dragon and his seed in every way possible in these last days and we must distinguish between true and false seeds of doctrines, planted by either God or the devil, to find where God wants us to be today in furthering His cause in calling people out of "Babylon" by the three angels' gospel messages of warning and judgment. Pastor Bohr also shows by biblical examples why it is important to join the church body of believers and how that is done.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Before this earth was created, it was a mass without form that was empty and dark. God created life and an atmosphere for it to survive in. But because of sin, someday this earth will be destroyed and will go back to its primeval, abysmal state during the Millennium.

Pastor Bohr compares Revelation 20 with the seldom studied millennial prophecies of Jeremiah 4 and Isaiah 24 and shows how those who think that Jesus will rapture people secretly, and then seven years later will come down and rule for 1,000 years of peace here on earth, are simply mistaken. Rather, the evidence shows that the righteous will be in heaven judging the wicked, who are all dead during this period. It is satan and his angels who will be chained as in a prison to this empty and dark planet, with no one left to tempt, to think about the destruction and misery they have brought into the universe.

Pastor Bohr demonstrates how the seven last plagues will reverse each step of creation back to where it started, and will fully devastate our planet into an uninhabitable place where no creature could even live during the Millennium. He reveals what the mysterious "bottomless pit" is by examining the word as used in other places in Scripture that describes a place where both the living and the dead are cast. He also shows another method of how the year/day principle is demonstrated by comparing these Millennium texts.

Isaiah says that men are responsible for the destruction of the earth because they have transgressed God's laws, changed His Sabbath and broken His everlasting covenant. Contrary to what many teach today, this sermon also shows that the flood story makes it clear that those who will be left when Jesus comes are those who are the righteous and those who are taken away and destroyed are the wicked. Satan wants men to believe in a Millennium of peace here on earth so he can fool them with his final masterpiece of deception in imitating the coming of Christ. Only after the 1,000 years are over will the New Jerusalem come down from heaven and God will recreate this earth back to Edenic perfection and make it the capital of the universe.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

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In this lesson, Pastor Bohr examines Ezekiel 28 and other texts which provide us glimpses into the mystery of how Lucifer, who was created perfectly by God, made choices which turned him into the being who has caused such havoc in the universe. He somehow let his God-given wisdom, beauty, riches and power be directed to increasingly selfish ends rather than in sharing with others. He turned against the very principles of the Law that he had been a covering cherub for and has, since then, battled to overthrow God and His government. He convinced many angels to buy his lies that created beings are inherently gods in themselves and do not need to look to an outside source for guidance on what is good or evil, and, after being expelled from heaven, he took those same arguments to earth and overthrew our race.

The main weapons Satan uses against us are deceit and force. In his attack against Christians in the last days, he will appear as an angel of light, working through various ministers and religious leaders to get them to separate God's law from love and tell their hearers that some of the Ten Commandments were done away with at the cross and that we do not need them all to show us what true love is.

This sermon will show you how, by examining the arguments satan used on the angels and on Adam and Eve, we can escape from those same tried and true formulas that he will try to use on us to separate us from the love of the truth, for: "In the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils" (1Tim. 4:1).

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Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

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Most Christians today have accepted and believe two errors that Satan has developed over the centuries to ensnare as many people as he can in the last days. The Bible says that the last day Antichrist will be identified by being lawless. He has led Christians to change the Sabbath commandment of the Law of God and led many to misinterpret the texts that say we are no longer under the law but are under grace and that the law was nailed to the cross. Thus the Law is not of so great importance to them to keep the way God says we should. But James 2:10-12 says that even breaking one of the Ten Commandments means breaking them all and Matthew 7:21-23 says that many Christians in the end will prophecy and work miracles, but will be deceivers because they do not keep God's Law.

Pastor Bohr shows how the logical results of believing this error has led to the acceptance of the pagan belief, which has become widespread in Christianity, that the soul is immortal and that we go to either heaven, hell or purgatory immediately after we die. He demonstrates that the biblical definition of sin is the breaking of the Law and that the penalty for sin is death. But if the Law is altered, partly kept or done away with, then there would be no such thing as sin and therefore no death. This is how spiritualism is creeping into the churches. These are the very same two issues that satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden with when he said she could sin without dying because she was inherently immortal like God and could make her own laws to direct her life without needing a God and His standards to rule over her.

Pastor Bohr shares several biblical texts that show man is mortal and only God has immortality. He discusses how only Christ's death in paying our penalty for sin provides the way to eternal life and how His sacrifice would be rendered unnecessary if God's Law had been done away with. He also shows how Revelation 22:14,15 says that someday Eden will be restored to those who by faith in Jesus keep the commandments of God and only those who uphold His Law and honor Him will once again eat from the Tree of Life that gives man immortality.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

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In this presentation, which expands on similar themes that have been discussed in the last couple sermons, Pastor Bohr traces how Jesus Christ took Adam's place as the son of God and representative of our race by coming to this earth, overcoming sin in our human nature and presenting His perfect life before the Father in His sacrifice on the cross. In this way, He recovered the kingship, dominion and eternal life that Adam had forfeited by giving his allegiance to the devil and becoming his slave.

In the Bible, Jesus is called both the Son of God and the Son of Man. He is the Ladder from heaven and is the only real priest that has ever lived, since He is both fully God and man and therefore understands the nature of both. He could not have saved us if He only had the nature of God, therefore, He became the Kinsman-Redeemer of our race as our older Brother and is therefore pledged to protect us from the bully Satan and his abuses when we call on His name in faith.

Pastor Bohr discusses how far down the ladder in His human nature that Jesus came to both understand and save us. He also shows why Christ is called both the Father and the Son of Abraham and David. He ends by showing how we become sons and daughters of God by faith and that baptism is the symbol that we are now the brothers and sisters of Jesus and have taken His family name upon us

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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This presentation continues in the same vein as part three, by looking behind the scenes of history in the stories of Job, Ahab's death, and King Herod slaying the children, but spends most of the time examining the story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. This event is a prime example of the supernatural battle fought out in human history as promised in Genesis 3:15, as Satan arranges things that appear to stop the Messiah/Seed from coming, but God uses an extraordinary means to keep the holy line afloat.

It is a beautiful story that shows that God used both Jews and Gentiles as progenitors in the line of the Seed who would someday save all peoples who believed in Him. The Bible is not Israel centered, but Seed centered. The holy line of the patriarchs before the flood and the line that continued in Israel after the flood were God's chosen means to bring the Messiah into the world, but they were not the only people God wanted to save. All peoples who accept the true and only viable Seed of Abraham, Christ, become His seed by faith and sharers in the promises made to Abraham.

Pastor Bohr discusses the Hebrew laws of the kinsman/redeemer that were applied in this story and how they are an illustration of what Jesus would come down and do for us as the divine/human Brother and Redeemer of all peoples. Jesus would restore Adam's lost dominion, redeem us from the slavery his sin brought upon the human race and give us access once more to the Tree of eternal life. This beautiful and touching sermon shows that Satan's conspiracy to thwart God's plans in history always backfires.

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Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

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This presentation covers the entrance of sin into the world and how mankind lost their God-given robe of light and righteousness and became spiritually naked. But, as soon as man sinned, the plan of salvation that had been conceived since "the foundation of the world" was put into effect. God had Adam see for himself what sin costs by killing innocent lambs to make skins to cover their nakedness instead of the fig leaf garments they had made for themselves, thus showing that we have no power to clothe our nakedness of sin and only the death of Christ, the Lamb, can do so.

Pastor Bohr also discusses how sin is the cause of all the psychological and marital problems in the world today, because Adam and Eve experienced fear, shame, and guilt and were shifting the blame for their sin. He shares how the glorious promise of Genesis 3:15 gave them hope that a Seed would come who would destroy the serpent, but would have to suffer in doing so. But there would be a long struggle coming, that began with the loss of Abel, as Satan tried to prevent the Seed from coming, and, having failed to do that, Revelation 12 expands Genesis 3:15 and shows how the serpent's fight will continue to the end against those God is saving, purifying and preparing to take home with Him.

Genesis 3:15 is the seed code for the rest of the Bible and its history of the struggle between the woman, her Seed, and the remnant of her seed against the devil and his seed.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

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In this opening presentation, Pastor Bohr studies the meaning and importance of the book of Genesis. He shows how it is the seed planting plot for all the rest of the Bible, which develops the principles and truths planted in Genesis until the tree is fully grown in the book of Revelation. Genesis, then, is the code form of the mature tree and must be studied in order to crack the code and open up the wonderful truths in the rest of the Bible. Satan knows this, so he has attacked this book by influencing many influential theologians and commentaries to call much of the book myth and legend and by mixing the ideas of evolution that have permeated the modern world into the teachings of many in the church.

Pastor Bohr shows how every New Testament writer refers to the book as fact and how they comment on all of its stories, thus showing clearly that if you get rid of the authority of Genesis, you must also doubt the authenticity of the rest of Scripture. The central theme of the great controversy between Christ and Satan is first revealed in Genesis 3:15, which is the core text for this seminar. This war is developed in Genesis in the story of Cain and Abel and many similar conflicts between the seed of God and the seed of the evil one that have their counterparts on a larger and grander scale at the first coming of Christ and also at the very end of time, thus making each literal story of Genesis also a prophecy of similar future events. Pastor Bohr shows how this prophetic aspect, so often ignored, is the secret to unlocking the Genesis code.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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This presentation continues in more detail what was outlined in part two. Pastor Bohr traces in detail the two methods Satan used against the holy seed down through the events of Bible history, starting with the slaying of Abel and the corruption of the holy line, when the sons of God mixed marriages with the seed of Cain just before the flood, and going right on down to the persecution of the remnant in the last days. The captivities of Israel; the hard time they had entering Canaan; the famines; the persecutions; the descents of God's people into worldliness and idolatry were all used by him to try to snuff out any chance of the Messiah coming, yet God always has a counterbalance to his plans.

All the stories of the Bible have this same thread of two supernatural powers working behind the scenes of history woven through them. Satan, having failed at keeping Abraham's promised Seed, Jesus, from coming, now vents his fury upon Christ's body, His church, as he uses the same two methods of compromise with the world and persecution to accomplish his ends against the remnant of the woman's holy seed.

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3 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda and tiny tots, Rachel, Christiana, Ben, and Carter learn how to make “Oatmeal Cookies My Way.”


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4 Views · 2 years ago

Loyalty and commitment don’t just happen. They result from the positive choices and changes we make in our lives. Beyond Talk explores the commitment needed for a successful, lasting marriage, the mental preparation for the world’s most dangerous sport, and the dedication to survive big-wave surfing.

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6 Views · 2 years ago

When Harry Truman was warned to leave his home because nearby Mount St Helens was about to erupt, he was faced with a dilemma. Beyond Warning seeks insight into the human response to such choices among the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia and Mount St Helens.

Seek Tv
4 Views · 2 years ago

In this episode, we go to Hell. We’re there to find the story of our ultimate destiny. Is Hell a real place? If so, what does that tell us about a God who claims to be loving and just? And if not, then where did the concept originate?

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Why are we so interested in what happens after we die? Ghosts, vampires and the undead are the themes of society’s most popular movies, books and tales. Beyond Death enters the home of vampires to find out why, and shows the lengths and expense to which some people will go to cheat death.

Seek Tv
4 Views · 2 years ago

Few experiences are as soul-destroying as falling victim to a scam. In the great cosmic conflict, humankind bought into a scam about God’s intentions and character.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Electrical devices aren’t the only things that burn out. People and relationships do too, and often for the same reason - overload. In this digital age where we’re bombarded with multiple messages requiring instant action, we’re under pressure, with less time to do more. How do we survive in this?

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

The laws of a country tell us a lot about its people and their character. Beyond Rules visits a country that has tried to resist the influence of law, and also explores how love makes a huge difference in our attitude towards rules.

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