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29. The 8 Health Secrets in Genesis || Cracking the Genesis Code

4 Views· 28 October 2022
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When God created this earth, He provided and set up eight perfectly balanced elements and laws that man was to use to keep himself in good health. Pastor Bohr examines how these laws were to be adapted and implemented at five distinct periods of human history. He describes the effects that the entrance and curse of sin had in changing certain conditions in nature and how the second curse of the flood even further degraded and changed conditions on the earth which affected health and longevity. He discusses why the Tree of Life was taken from man after sin and how it, and all of what God originally created for our best health, will once again be restored to man in the new earth's Eden.

God has an ideal health plan for man today and how much we buy into that plan affects our happiness and our ability to discern God's will, to overcome sin and to build holy characters, which are needed now more than ever before in order to endure the trials of faith and temptation and to develop the unyielding stamina necessary to face the closing scenes of this earth's history. Our bodies are temples for the spiritual indwelling of the Holy Spirit and therefore deserve the best of care. "The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being" (MH 130). Breathing pure air, drinking and properly applying water, getting enough sunlight, exercise and rest, practicing temperance, eating a healthy diet and trusting in God's power are the factors that help to keep the vitality we each were born with at a premium.

Pastor Bohr delves into some fascinating scientific evidence that shows that each of us inherit from our parents a constitutional energy or vital force that we can either foolishly burn off too fast by bad habits and overindulgence or conserve for the times we will need it most by a wise and proper use of our powers in forming correct and balanced health habits. For those who question whether a Christian should drink alcohol, smoke, and use unclean or other meats, he examines principles from the Bible that show us what our motivation should be in learning how to discern what is good or bad for us to partake in and what the ideal diet is that God intended for man. This is a health lecture with a different twist than any you may have heard before and those who purchase the study guide that goes with this series will find it valuable to have a fuller picture of this important subject.

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