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7. What on Earth Is Happening? || Cracking the Genesis Code

3 Views· 28 October 2022
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There was no suffering or death in the Garden of Eden, but after sin we have become a disarrayed world full of violence, terrorism, abuse, greed, disease and suffering.

This sermon delves into the results of sin that affect us and how our hearts became corrupt, "deceitful and desperately wicked" (Jer.17:9). We need to see that we cannot trust our own hearts and desires but need a power beyond us to guide us. We sin because we are born with selfish and corrupt natures that naturally cause evil actions.

Pastor Bohr describes our hopeless sinful condition and then shows how God's Law was given to wake us up to our corruption and send us to Christ for cleansing and power to live a changed life. Those who try to lessen the importance of God's Law or do away with any of its commandments, do away with the only standard that tells us what sin is, for: "I would not have known sin except through the Law". (Rom. 7:7)

Christ came to forgive us for our past sins, by taking the penalty and curse for our breaking of the Law upon Himself when He died. Then the Spirit comes and gives us a new heart transplant, so that we obey God out of love and gratefulness for all He has done for us.

Many Christians want the forgiveness part, but do not like to dwell on the changes needed in the life to live up to the high standard God has set for us to reach in Christ Jesus. This sermon shows the steps to the new birth from our old natures, how we come to hate sin by seeing what it did to Jesus, and how to feed our new natures so they can grow to maturity.

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