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24. Lessons From a Forbidden Tree || Cracking the Genesis Code

6 Views· 28 October 2022
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Adam and Eve did not see God create them. God wanted to test them to see if they had faith in His Word that He was truly their origin and Creator and to find out if they would thus display their love and devotion for Him by commanding them to not eat fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This tree was not fundamentally different from any other tree in the garden except as God had set it aside as off limits for man's personal use.

The garden of Eden is no longer with us, but God has made another test and sign of faith for His people that has often been cast aside, forgotten or ignored. Pastor Bohr compares the many aspects of the test of the forbidden tree with the test that God has given especially in these last days of keeping the Sabbath holy. Just like the tree was similar to the others in Eden, it is no different from any other day of the week, except that God has set it aside for holy use and not for our everyday personal pursuits. It also tests our loyalty as to Who our Creator and Authority is and warns against us attempting salvation by our own merits or thinking we developed from natural causes and are immortal. We do not choose what day we want to become holy and set apart for worship. Only God has that right and He has chosen the seventh-day Sabbath as holy ground which we are to honor and respect. God alone can define what is holy and good and what is evil and when we set up our own definitions we make ourselves as God and rebel against the fact that we are His creatures.

This revealing presentation shows just how the Bible explains that the Sabbath is the test, mark and seal for God's loyal people today and how it is the center and focal point of the covenant between God and His people as given in the Ten Commandments. It further reveals why satan has such a hatred against it as it stands in the way of his claim to be God. He inspired the Jews of old to break and disregard it many times and he continues to dismantle it today as most of the Christian church no longer believe in its validity. Pastor Bohr shows how this came about through the power and decrees of the beast power of the Middle Ages, and how satan thus deceived men and set up a rival day of worship, Sunday, to counteract what God has chosen. Through deceit and long-practiced tradition, he has made it a counterfeit replacement of the true test of worship and loyalty.

Pastor Bohr shows clearly how this is really a form of idolatry and how it will become a world wide issue in the very end, as men will be forced to choose whose authority they will accept as revealed in the sign that they will keep-God's mark and seal or the mark and seal of the beast. True worship and who we will obey are the final issues all will be tested on.

Purchase the DVD set here!

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