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28. How to Overcome Guilt & Failure || Cracking the Genesis Code

5 Views· 28 October 2022
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In this presentation, Pastor Bohr discusses how the perfect and free nature that mankind was originally created with changed after Adam and Eve sinned, causing our whole race to become corrupt from the core and slaves to sin right from birth. Because of this, misery and woe have spread and increased in our world and many feel burdened down with guilt, failure and low self-image. But God has set up a means whereby we can be forgiven of and washed from our past sins and be reborn into a new nature provided for us by Christ's victory over sin and death on the cross. Jesus now stands as the perfect representative of the human race instead of Adam.

Baptism into His name is the public expression of our desire for and acceptance of that change of nature, of drowning our past life to death and of joining a new family of brothers and sisters and followers of Christ. When we come up out of the water, we resurrect with Jesus into a new life of unselfish love for others and ever increasing victory in our daily struggles with sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit given us at baptism. We also become joint heirs with Christ of His inheritance from the Father.

This subject is of vital importance, because Jesus said that we cannot see the kingdom of heaven unless we are born again and baptized by His grace of water and of His Spirit. Pastor Bohr shows why it is important that we are baptized by immersion and at an age of understanding and accountability, just as Jesus was, as there are many kinds of baptism practiced in the churches of today that do not fulfill all of the meaning this ceremony teaches us. This hope-filled sermon shows how we can experience true rebirth, joyous victory and full release from fear, guilt and failure to overcome sin in our lives.

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