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25. Armageddon: Earth's Final Battle || Cracking the Genesis Code

5 Views· 28 October 2022
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In this lecture, Pastor Bohr applies the story of Cain and Abel by showing that it is a microcosmic prophecy and illustration of the similar, but worldwide, expanded war of Armageddon that will culminate the final scenes of this world's history. He shows how it is a worldwide spiritual battle between true worshipers and false and not a literal war in the Middle East between the Arabs, Russians and Chinese loading up against the little plot of land that is the nation of Israel, as many prophecy teachers try to promote today.

The real issues at Armageddon are who we accept as our authority as to how we will worship, whose law we will obey, whose mark we will take and if we will be clothed by Christ's righteousness or walk naked in our own works of disobedience. You will discover what Cain's mark that preserved him represents, what the "beast" that "crouched at his door" represents, why he killed his brother, how Abel's and future martyrs' blood cries from the ground and calls for justice, and how two distinct forms of worship started back then that will culminate in the false seed persecuting their faithful brothers and sisters when these issues are fully developed at the end.

This story also shows how we are not a special chosen seed by blood or lineage but by faith and character. Like Adam and Eve, those who survive Armageddon will have accepted the blood of the Lamb to cover their sins and to clothe them with obedient and righteous characters.

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