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1. Cracking the Genesis Code || Cracking the Genesis Code

2 Views· 28 October 2022
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In this opening presentation, Pastor Bohr studies the meaning and importance of the book of Genesis. He shows how it is the seed planting plot for all the rest of the Bible, which develops the principles and truths planted in Genesis until the tree is fully grown in the book of Revelation. Genesis, then, is the code form of the mature tree and must be studied in order to crack the code and open up the wonderful truths in the rest of the Bible. Satan knows this, so he has attacked this book by influencing many influential theologians and commentaries to call much of the book myth and legend and by mixing the ideas of evolution that have permeated the modern world into the teachings of many in the church.

Pastor Bohr shows how every New Testament writer refers to the book as fact and how they comment on all of its stories, thus showing clearly that if you get rid of the authority of Genesis, you must also doubt the authenticity of the rest of Scripture. The central theme of the great controversy between Christ and Satan is first revealed in Genesis 3:15, which is the core text for this seminar. This war is developed in Genesis in the story of Cain and Abel and many similar conflicts between the seed of God and the seed of the evil one that have their counterparts on a larger and grander scale at the first coming of Christ and also at the very end of time, thus making each literal story of Genesis also a prophecy of similar future events. Pastor Bohr shows how this prophetic aspect, so often ignored, is the secret to unlocking the Genesis code.

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