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6 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 7-Does Jesus Christ Have A Twin?, series with David Asscherick part 7 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy at What does Antichrist really mean? Many have heard of the Antichrist and we all want to avoid him but the Bible says "many will be deceived. Find out this and more as we prepare to find out how Satan is working in our world. Who is Satan deceiving and could it be you? How can you make sure you are not deceived? This is the base for our journey as the Bible reveals to us the Antichrist power. One of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

This presentation breaks down the longest time prophecy in the Bible—a prophecy that spans over 2,000 years. It pinpoints the exact year, month, day, and even hour of the fulfillment of specific events. Discover the mathematical evidence that the Bible is true and that the end is near.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Program 8- “Revelation’s Most Amazing Prophecy” with Evangelist Mark Finley
The triumphs of technology are inspiring. The achievements of the space program are so tangible and specific. All the complex details—the flow of rocket fuel, the humming of computers, the astronaut’s check list—fit together like clockwork. But religious hope today tends to be vague and shapeless.

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3 Views · 2 years ago

In this presentation, we explore the theme of the Judgment. Who is the judge? Who is the lawyer? What's the accusation, and, most importantly - where are the records? Part 08 of the Cosmic Conflict Recorded live @ Ulverstone, TAS

#CosmicConflict #Judgment #Daniel

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

The Sabbath is a memorial to creation. The Sabbath is a holy time set a part by God for man to rest from his labor, rest from his daily pleasures and communion with the Creator. Contrary to what many people believe, the Sabbath is not only for the Jews. As a matter of fact the Sabbath existed before the Jewish people even started as a people or nation. In Mark 2:27 it says "And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath."

God created the Sabbath during the creation week and thus it was also designed to be a part of the original design before sin entered the world. Doesn't it make sense that a loving God would dedicate a special time to spend with His creation. Satan knows this and has worked very hard to get people to forget the only commandment that begins with the world Remember. It is common for Christians to think that the Sabbath was done away with at the cross. A careful study of the scriptures will reveal that only the ceremonial sabbath's that foreshadowed Christ were nailed to the cross. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 8 of a series called Three Cosmic Messages.

Don't forget to see the link below to our special question and answers video about the Sabbath.

🔴Tune in to a special LIVE conversation where you can ask your question's about the Sabbath. The event takes place Saturday 8/1/2020 at 6 PM eastern. Watch at the following link

🔴Related Videos:

Has the Sabbath been changed to Sunday?-

Which day is the Lords Day according to the Bible?-

Does it Matter which day you keep the Sabbath? (Romans 14)-

Let no one Judge You for not Keeping the Sabbath (Colossians 2)-

Is there any work that is honorable on the Sabbath?-

Is there any verse in the Bible which says Jesus made Sunday a day of worship?-

Has the Calendar been changed affecting the Sabbath?-


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1 Views · 2 years ago

A correct understanding of the nation of Israel is absolutely essential for a correct understanding of end-time events. Discover the facts about the rebuilt temple and the final gathering of end-time Israel. It’s deeper than you think!

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4 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 8-The Actual... Certain, Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist, series with David Asscherick part 8 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy at What does Antichrist really mean? Are you ready to learn the truth about the Antichrist. You will be amazed. History and the Bible will prove out that in can be none other then... Find out this and more as we prepare to find out how Satan is working in our world. Who is Satan deceiving and could it be you? How can you make sure you are not deceived? This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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1 Views · 2 years ago

Revelation describes a false church system depicted as a harlot riding a beast in Revelation 17. This Babylonian system of religion is rooted in man made teachings and traditions. In contrast, Christ’s church is built upon the solid foundation of His Word, guided by His Spirit. How do we know if we are deceived by this false system and their false doctrine and can we identify this false religious entity? The Bible has given us characteristics that we can know without a shadow of a doubt.

Satan is enraged with God's true church and wages war against it, but Jesus will prevail. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 9 of a series called Three Cosmic Messages.


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3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 9- “Revelation’s Final Judgement” with Evangelist Mark Finley
The United States Supreme Court is a symbol of the majesty of law and justice in a world that’s often tragically unfair. But each of us has a case pending before the highest tribunal of all—the Supreme Court of the Universe!

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6 Views · 2 years ago (approve certificate prompt to enter)

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1 Views · 2 years ago

In this presentation learn how at the heart of the Cosmic Conflict is the issue of family. And see from scripture how easy it is to be saved! Part 09 of the Cosmic Conflict filmed live at Ulverstone TAS.

#CosmicConflict #Rescue #NewBirth

Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 9-The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 1, series with David Asscherick part 9 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at Who is your rock, the Rock? This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

There are many different ideas about the second coming of Jesus Christ. This presentation will separate fact from fiction as we discover 5 truths about the coming rapture! Don’t be caught off guard!

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1 Views · 2 years ago

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In this opening presentation, Pastor Bohr studies the meaning and importance of the book of Genesis. He shows how it is the seed planting plot for all the rest of the Bible, which develops the principles and truths planted in Genesis until the tree is fully grown in the book of Revelation. Genesis, then, is the code form of the mature tree and must be studied in order to crack the code and open up the wonderful truths in the rest of the Bible. Satan knows this, so he has attacked this book by influencing many influential theologians and commentaries to call much of the book myth and legend and by mixing the ideas of evolution that have permeated the modern world into the teachings of many in the church.

Pastor Bohr shows how every New Testament writer refers to the book as fact and how they comment on all of its stories, thus showing clearly that if you get rid of the authority of Genesis, you must also doubt the authenticity of the rest of Scripture. The central theme of the great controversy between Christ and Satan is first revealed in Genesis 3:15, which is the core text for this seminar. This war is developed in Genesis in the story of Cain and Abel and many similar conflicts between the seed of God and the seed of the evil one that have their counterparts on a larger and grander scale at the first coming of Christ and also at the very end of time, thus making each literal story of Genesis also a prophecy of similar future events. Pastor Bohr shows how this prophetic aspect, so often ignored, is the secret to unlocking the Genesis code.

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3 Views · 2 years ago (approve certificate prompt to enter)

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1 Views · 2 years ago

Program 10- “Revelation’s Answer for Society’s Crumbling Values” with Evangelist Mark Finley
Most people try to make their home a refuge from the stresses and strains of life out in the cold, hard world. They try to make it a place of love and safety. But futurists tell us the home is headed for some pretty dramatic changes.

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7 Views · 2 years ago

Death - what does the Bible really teach about this fascinating topic? Join Robbie as we explore questions like, what happens at death, where is hell, when is hell in part 10 of the Cosmic Conflict. Filmed live at Ulverstone Tas.

#CosmicConflict #Death #Life

Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Christianity has been infected with Satan's deceptions. Paganism and spiritualism have slipped into the church and many believers are unaware that the doctrines they have long believed are not founded in the Bible scriptures. These spiritual poisons are destroying God's people, but we should not be surprised since the book of Revelation reveals these events would take place.

Satan has long worked to confuse people about the state of the dead. Do you go straight to Heaven or somewhere else? What about the change of the Sabbath to Sunday? You might be surprised to find out that both of the current mainline doctrine taught on these topics is rooted not in the Bible, but in spiritualism and sun worship.

God has the truth available to you in His word. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 10 of a Bible study series called Three Cosmic Messages.


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2 Views · 2 years ago

With international wars ripping apart countries and domestic conflict tearing apart families, many are desperate for peace and safety. What is the solution to the chaos and lack of peace? Discover a prophetic peace plan that is both simple and profound. This plan will bring both global and personal peace.

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