Kenneth Cox presents the story of Jesus on the Cross. This powerful presentation demonstrates Jesus' love for us and what that love really means.
Kenneth Cox presents part 4, the Rise of the Antichrist. The book of revelation has a lot to say about the second coming of Jesus. Kenneth Cox will dive into Mathew 24 where Jesus shared with His disciples about what will take place and the end of time.
Kenneth Cox presents one of the most mysterious issues in the Bible. What is this beast and what does this number 666 really mean. Is this a message from God and do we need to understand it?
Kenneth Cox preesnts
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents a covenant or promise that Jesus made with us. God keeps His promises, what exactly is this particular covenant that He made and what does it mean to us?
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents - The Final Call: Can you really believe the Bible? Can it be trusted? What does God say about the end-time and does it warn us of something that is coming? Kenneth will spend some time sharing how God uses the Bible to reveal the future events.
Kenneth Cox presents talks about how we will know when Jesus is coming back according to the Bible.
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents Revelation 13 in the Bible that talks about a second beast. Who is that beast and what nation does it represent?
Kenneth Cox presents
Kenneth Cox presents the truth of the Bible. Can we actually believe the Bible especially today? Why is the Bible so misunderstood or is there something more behind that?