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Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 10-The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 2, series with David Asscherick part 10 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at Who is your rock, the Rock? This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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In this first of two presentations about the meaning and value of the Sabbath day of rest, established by Jesus right after He had created man, Pastor Bohr shows how God blessed it and gave us this weekly holy period of quality time to spend nurturing our relationship with Him and to reflect on all He has done in creating the beautiful natural world around us for us to enjoy. He shows how it was kept by Jesus, the apostles and all the Christians in the New Testament and has not been lost in time or made invalid by Christ's death on the cross. He answers various reasons and excuses many Christians give to avoid keeping it because they think it cramps their time and lifestyle.

Even though the Fourth Commandment was given in written form on tables of stone to the Jews at Sinai in establishing the laws of that chosen nation of people from whom the Messiah would spring from, it was not intended just for them, as many think today, but its wording points back to creation as its authority, when the Sabbath, like marriage, was first given as a gift by God to Adam and Eve for every man and woman who would descend from them. It was established before there was any sin or sacrifices and ceremonial laws. Its original purpose was to give men a break from their everyday activities, to spend time in rest and loving fellowship with God and to forever remind them that He is the only Creator and Sustainer of the universe and has exclusive right to their worship and loyalty, so that they would not to fall into the trap satan did of thinking himself his own god and rule maker.

Adam and Eve sinned when they doubted the authority and requirements of their Creator and wondered if satan was right in saying that they themselves were equal with God and didn't need to follow His rules. They had not seen God create them and therefore by faith were to take Him at His Word that He had, but they ended up choosing to believe another master and had to learn the hard way what deception, pride and living by ones own rules does to man.

This subject is of great importance, because by keeping His Sabbath day the way that He has specified, we confess that Jesus Christ is our Creator, Redeemer and Authority and we also proclaim to the world that sin is doubting that He is our Creator, Redeemer and Lawgiver. These are the very issues at stake in the whole history of the great controversy between Christ and satan. It is a matter of showing faith in God's Word versus our own works, laws and standards. We thus proclaim that we are created beings and not evolved from a big bang or some other means from eons past.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

The Mark of the Beast prophecy in Revelation 13 reveals the absolute fever pitch of Satan’s war against God. Ever since Jesus died on the cross, the enemy knows that he has been defeated, but he is determined to take down as many with him as possible. His first strategy is deception. When deception does not work, he resorts to force. He is behind a decree stating that anyone who refuses to worship the beast or receive his mark will suffer the consequences. Jesus warned that “the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service” (John 16:2; see also Matthew 10:22 and 1 Peter 4:12). Persecution was common in papal Rome, especially during the dark ages. Like the persecutions in the past, the mark of the beast is designed to force all to conform to a certain set of beliefs and an approved system of worship. The prophecy says the persecution will involve economic sanctions; “no one may buy or sell” unless they have “the mark” (Revelation 13:17). Anyone who refuses to receive the mark will eventually be placed under a death decree (see Revelation 13:15). The devil is preparing even professed Christians, through compromise, to receive the mark of the beast.

God has the truth available to you in His word. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 11 of a Bible study series called Three Cosmic Messages.This is also part 1 of a 2 part series on the Mark of the beast and the seal of God.

Related Video- This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley

Related Video- Let's talk about the Sabbath (LIVE)


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Program 11- “Revelation’s Eternal Sign in Earth’s Last Conflict” with Evangelist Mark Finley
In the Bible’s last book, Revelation, God is on center stage as Creator of the universe. John was caught up in vision to an amazing scene in heaven’s throne room. What he saw was so dazzling as to be almost beyond description—something you’d only see in your wildest dreams.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

In this presentation, join Robbie as he looks at the manner of Jesus' return, what happens when He returns, and how the whole cosmic conflict comes to an end. Recorded live @ Ulverstone, Tasmania.

#CosmicConflict #SecondComing #Jesus

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4 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 11-How Jesus Christ Will Defy the Skeptics and Return to Earth, series with David Asscherick part 11 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at If you have questions about the Rapture or just want to learn what the Bible has to say about it, then you will enjoy this study. This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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Discover the special sign of love that God has given to the human race since the beginning of time, a sign that Satan works desperately to keep hidden. This topic sets the foundation for the understanding of the antichrist and the mark of the beast.

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This second presentation about the history and meaning of seventh-day Sabbath observation shows how the manna episode in the time of Moses was, not only a way to teach the importance of worshiping God the way He has asked us to, but also a prophecy pointing forward to Jesus, the true Bread of Life, Who would die on a Friday and rest in the tomb on Sabbath in His recreating us and giving us a second chance.

He paid the death penalty that we deserved, according to the instructions given through Moses in regard to the breaking of the Sabbath and all the other commandments. Thus, the Sabbath now also commemorates our trust and rest in His work of redemption as well as in our original creation. Pastor Bohr shows how the Sabbath was intended as an eternal sign of our acceptance of these things and was given not only for literal Jews, but for all people who become spiritual Israel when they accept Christ. He also compares the two versions of the Ten Commandments, as found in Exodus and Deuteronomy, and unfolds an enlightening difference in the motivation and reason they give for keeping the Sabbath commandment, that most of the Christian world has not recognized in them. He examines what the prophets said about how the Sabbath is a delight to keep, how Israel was punished by the Babylonian captivity for breaking it, and how the Gentiles would adopt it both then and in the future as they accepted Christ.

We also see in this sermon how Jesus is the Creator and Lord of the Sabbath, how He gave us an example in how to keep it, how Paul and the other apostles kept it and how we will still celebrate it in the re-created New Earth, giving us a third reason for keeping it a holy and special.

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3 Views · 2 years ago

Who is the antichrist? Is he an open political opposer of Christ, or a subtle religious imposter of Christ? The Bible reveals 10 fingerprints that expose the exact identity of the antichrist and his greatest deception. You will be surprised!

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7 Views · 2 years ago

Mark of the Beast is a phrase that conjures up many different thoughts. Many are just sure it's a computer micro chip or a vaccine, but is that what the Bible really teaches? How does the number 666 fit in and does the rebuilding of a temple in Jerusalem have anything to do with it? The Bible gives us clear characteristics that we might know the true identify of the beast and the Mark of the Beast. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 12 of a Bible study series called Three Cosmic Messages.This is also part 2 of a 2 part series on the Mark of the Beast.

🔴Watch part 1 at this link-

🔴Related Video- This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley

🔴Related Video- Let's talk about the Sabbath (LIVE)


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4 Views · 2 years ago

Program 12- “Revelation Reveals History’s Greatest Hoax” with Evangelist Mark Finley
Could it be that there’s a Trojan horse in the midst of the Christian Church? Could millions be deceived and not know it?

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5 Views · 2 years ago

Join Robbie in the last presentation in this series, as we explore the two women or two churches described in the book of Revelation. Recorded live @ Ulverstone, Tasmania.

#CosmicConflict #TwoWomen #RobbieBerghan

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3 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 12-How to Get and to Remain Undeceived, series with David Asscherick part 12 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at Nobody wants to be deceived and the problem is, without careful, prayerful study and the willingness not only to search the Bible for truth but be willing to accept it as the Holy Spirit leads, then we will continue to believe that we are not deceived. "people that are being deceived do not believe they are being deceived. So come prepared to learn Bible truth, the Word of God with a prayerful heart. We actually encourage you to pray before, during and after each sermon and bring your Bible and follow along. Download the free studyguides. This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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5 Views · 2 years ago

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Most Christians today have accepted and believe two errors that Satan has developed over the centuries to ensnare as many people as he can in the last days. The Bible says that the last day Antichrist will be identified by being lawless. He has led Christians to change the Sabbath commandment of the Law of God and led many to misinterpret the texts that say we are no longer under the law but are under grace and that the law was nailed to the cross. Thus the Law is not of so great importance to them to keep the way God says we should. But James 2:10-12 says that even breaking one of the Ten Commandments means breaking them all and Matthew 7:21-23 says that many Christians in the end will prophecy and work miracles, but will be deceivers because they do not keep God's Law.

Pastor Bohr shows how the logical results of believing this error has led to the acceptance of the pagan belief, which has become widespread in Christianity, that the soul is immortal and that we go to either heaven, hell or purgatory immediately after we die. He demonstrates that the biblical definition of sin is the breaking of the Law and that the penalty for sin is death. But if the Law is altered, partly kept or done away with, then there would be no such thing as sin and therefore no death. This is how spiritualism is creeping into the churches. These are the very same two issues that satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden with when he said she could sin without dying because she was inherently immortal like God and could make her own laws to direct her life without needing a God and His standards to rule over her.

Pastor Bohr shares several biblical texts that show man is mortal and only God has immortality. He discusses how only Christ's death in paying our penalty for sin provides the way to eternal life and how His sacrifice would be rendered unnecessary if God's Law had been done away with. He also shows how Revelation 22:14,15 says that someday Eden will be restored to those who by faith in Jesus keep the commandments of God and only those who uphold His Law and honor Him will once again eat from the Tree of Life that gives man immortality.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

The Second Coming of Christ has been preached as near for hundreds of years. Some people call this the rapture. The scriptures reveal that before Jesus comes back there will be signs which increase in frequency and intensity. Bible-believing Christians have divine insight into what is coming upon this world. The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation vividly reveal the final climatic events in earth’s history. Revelation 14 presents heaven’s final message to a rebellious planet brought by three angels flying amidst heaven. In this video you'll learn about the second coming of Christ and the biblical signs and events that will happen just before Jesus comes back. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 13 of a Bible study series called Three Cosmic Messages.

🔴Related Video- This is Why Satan Hates the Sabbath so Much | Mark Finley

🔴Related Video- Let's talk about the Sabbath (LIVE)


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6 Views · 2 years ago

Program 13- “Revelation’s Battle of Armageddon and the Seven Last Plagues” with Evangelist Mark Finley
Jesus is coming soon, but specific events must take place before He returns. A big part of being ready for His Coming involves understanding what God’s Word teaches about what will occur in the last days.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Jesus came to this world not only to ensure our future eternal life, but abundant life in the here and now. This presentation gives us the biblical secrets of how to experience all of God’s blessings, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially, and spiritually! Listen to learn how to postpone your funeral and be fit for the end of time!

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