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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

In this study of the identity of the second beast of Revelation 13, which rises from the "earth", rather than the "sea" which the previous beasts had arisen from, Pastor Bohr expands upon his previous three lectures and shows with twelve identifying points how the rise and dramatic fall of America has been foretold in Bible prophecy.

The final, intense battle between the Prince and the dragon on earth will be revealed, as America will someday be pressured to give up its Christ-inspired lamblike qualities and will "speak as a dragon" by repudiating its Constitutional safeguarding of the protection of the freedom of an individual's choice of worship or belief system from any powers that want to control the conscience. It will then, while pretending to still hold Christian values, revive the "life" of the first beast of Revelation 13, pay full homage to its system, and use its military, technological and economic strength to force the world to worship the first beast by making an image that copies the secret of its power. A counterfeit system of ecumenical worship and prophetic interpretation, so accepted and growing more and more rampant among Christians today, as well an increased blending of the powers of church and state, will finally lead to its collapse into the hands of "Babylon".

This presentation includes some interesting history of religious persecution in the colonial years of America which influenced how its Constitution was set up and understood. It also discusses two stories from the book of Daniel that illustrate what the proper separation of church and state entails.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda and tiny tots, Christiana, Ben, Sebi, and Cadence learn how to make “Apple Pie Sticks.”


Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Pei-Ying, Christiana, Travis, and Carter create a yummy "Fried Rice" on this episode of Tiny Tot Kitchen. Join the tiny tots and Miss Cinda as they learn how to make recipes and have fun doing it.


Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda has fun teaching the tiny tots, Christiana, Ben, Seth and Carter to make "Peanut Butter Pancakes" on this episode of Tiny Tot Kitchen.


Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda and tiny tots learn how to make “Catiedoodles.”


Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda and tiny tots, Carter, Ben, and Travis learn how to make “Carter's Daddy's Pancakes.”


Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda and tiny tots, Ben, Sofiya, Daniel, and Carter learn how to make “Shepherd's Pie.”


Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Bible prophecy shows God's end time message for this generation. Revelation, the last book of the Bible is designed to prepare God's people for that which is coming upon the world as an overwhelming surprise. The prophecies revealed in this book by Jesus through His servant John tell us about the Three Angels' Messages. This is the present truth for our time. The great controversy between good and evil culminates in earth's final conflict. The Devil (Satan) wants to take Heavens gift from you. Don't loose your salvation when this life is so short compared to eternity. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents a series called Three Cosmic Messages. This video is number 1 of a 13 part series.

Watch the next video in this series at the following link-

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Revelation 14 says to worship God who made the heavens, the Earth the sea and the springs of water. The question is, how does one worship God as the creator? In a world where the theory of evolution has grown to a status of fact, creation has become a fairy tale. Something even many Christians look down upon. There is an interesting connection between Revelation 14 and creation that reveals to us God's love It's speaks to us of a God who will restore this world to it's endemic splendor. It speaks to us of a creation in the past and a new creation in the future. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 7 of a series called Three Cosmic Messages.


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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

The Sabbath is a memorial to creation. The Sabbath is a holy time set a part by God for man to rest from his labor, rest from his daily pleasures and communion with the Creator. Contrary to what many people believe, the Sabbath is not only for the Jews. As a matter of fact the Sabbath existed before the Jewish people even started as a people or nation. In Mark 2:27 it says "And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath."

God created the Sabbath during the creation week and thus it was also designed to be a part of the original design before sin entered the world. Doesn't it make sense that a loving God would dedicate a special time to spend with His creation. Satan knows this and has worked very hard to get people to forget the only commandment that begins with the world Remember. It is common for Christians to think that the Sabbath was done away with at the cross. A careful study of the scriptures will reveal that only the ceremonial sabbath's that foreshadowed Christ were nailed to the cross. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 8 of a series called Three Cosmic Messages.

Don't forget to see the link below to our special question and answers video about the Sabbath.

🔴Tune in to a special LIVE conversation where you can ask your question's about the Sabbath. The event takes place Saturday 8/1/2020 at 6 PM eastern. Watch at the following link

🔴Related Videos:

Has the Sabbath been changed to Sunday?-

Which day is the Lords Day according to the Bible?-

Does it Matter which day you keep the Sabbath? (Romans 14)-

Let no one Judge You for not Keeping the Sabbath (Colossians 2)-

Is there any work that is honorable on the Sabbath?-

Is there any verse in the Bible which says Jesus made Sunday a day of worship?-

Has the Calendar been changed affecting the Sabbath?-


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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Revelation describes a false church system depicted as a harlot riding a beast in Revelation 17. This Babylonian system of religion is rooted in man made teachings and traditions. In contrast, Christ’s church is built upon the solid foundation of His Word, guided by His Spirit. How do we know if we are deceived by this false system and their false doctrine and can we identify this false religious entity? The Bible has given us characteristics that we can know without a shadow of a doubt.

Satan is enraged with God's true church and wages war against it, but Jesus will prevail. Watch and listen as Pastor Mark Finley presents part 9 of a series called Three Cosmic Messages.


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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Part 1 of a series of 11. Eleven part video series on the seventh day Sabbath of the Bible. Hosted by award winning actor Hal Holbrook. Series produced by LLT Productions. Copyright 2009

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Part 11 of a series of 11. Eleven part video series on the seventh day Sabbath of the Bible. Hosted by award winning actor Hal Holbrook. Series produced by LLT Productions. Copyright 2009

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Just how intelligent are current robots, could they take over the world?

Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Program 10- “Revelation’s Answer for Society’s Crumbling Values” with Evangelist Mark Finley
Most people try to make their home a refuge from the stresses and strains of life out in the cold, hard world. They try to make it a place of love and safety. But futurists tell us the home is headed for some pretty dramatic changes.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Program 15- “Revelation’s Thousand Years of Peace” with Evangelist Mark Finley
The Millennium is–in a sense–God’s timetable of final events—it reveals the schedule God plans to use when He brings down the curtain on the drama of this world’s history. Learn what the Bible has to say about the thousand years of peace.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

History tells of ancient superpowers whose military might and political power shaped human destiny. Through the symbol of beasts, Bible prophecy predicted both the existence and demise of these empires long before they were written on the pages of history. This presentation reveals why they fell and points us to the Eternal Empire, the true Superpower, whose word will never fail. Hear the logical evidence of why you can trust the Bible!

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

Among the ferocious beasts of prophecy, there stands out the meek and lowly Lamb. Based upon His own claims, this Lamb is either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord of glory. Discover the clear prophetic evidence that Jesus is truly who He claimed to be—the Lamb of God who will slay the dragon and give us final victory over the beast.

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