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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Taking you to locations in Europe, North America and Australia, Dr. Allan Lindsay retells the great stories of controversy and faith that have led to the emergence of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Dramatic vignettes capture the greatest moments of Martin Luther, the Waldenses, Calvin, Zwingli, and John Knox. The light of truth has shone through time and is pointing to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Program 8- “Revelation’s Most Amazing Prophecy” with Evangelist Mark Finley
The triumphs of technology are inspiring. The achievements of the space program are so tangible and specific. All the complex details—the flow of rocket fuel, the humming of computers, the astronaut’s check list—fit together like clockwork. But religious hope today tends to be vague and shapeless.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Program 18- “Revelation’s Unmasks the Cult Deception” with Evangelist Mark Finley
A lot of people are searching today. Some are looking for something new, something different. Not everything is what it appears to be. Learn the identifying marks of a cult based on what the Bible says.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Program 19- “Revelation Reveals Life at its Best” with Evangelist Mark Finley
You were bought at a price redeemed by Jesus’ blood; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. . . . Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Learn what the Bible has to say about living a healthy lifestyle.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Program 22- “Revelation’s Mark of the Beast Exposed” with Evangelist Mark Finley
Some people are so afraid of it they try to avoid having a Social Security number. Others worry about the bar codes scanned at check-out stands—what could be behind it all?

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Program 23- “Revelation’s Movement of Destiny” with Evangelist Mark Finley
Could it be that some of us are clinging to the wrong thing in the name of religion? There are over 1800 different denominations, creeds, and religious groups in America today! New churches are rapidly springing up across the country. How does the average person ever sort out the claims and counterclaims of all these religious organizations?

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Can an individual really be sure of truth? Does God have a true church on earth today? Is it possible to know which church is His true church? Both the Old and the New Testaments are designed to give certainty, definiteness and concrete answers to these questions.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Mysterious beasts, dreadful dragons, painful plagues, climactic conflicts, and strange symbols—what do these all mean, and how can we understand them? With so many confusing ideas and conflicting interpretations on the book of Revelation, can we really know its meaning? This foundational presentation will unlock the secrets of interpreting Revelation clearly and with absolute certainty.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

This presentation breaks down the longest time prophecy in the Bible—a prophecy that spans over 2,000 years. It pinpoints the exact year, month, day, and even hour of the fulfillment of specific events. Discover the mathematical evidence that the Bible is true and that the end is near.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

With international wars ripping apart countries and domestic conflict tearing apart families, many are desperate for peace and safety. What is the solution to the chaos and lack of peace? Discover a prophetic peace plan that is both simple and profound. This plan will bring both global and personal peace.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Discover the special sign of love that God has given to the human race since the beginning of time, a sign that Satan works desperately to keep hidden. This topic sets the foundation for the understanding of the antichrist and the mark of the beast.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Jesus came to this world not only to ensure our future eternal life, but abundant life in the here and now. This presentation gives us the biblical secrets of how to experience all of God’s blessings, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially, and spiritually! Listen to learn how to postpone your funeral and be fit for the end of time!

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Within every human heart is an inexpressible longing for purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. Tragically, many allow the mistakes of the past to keep them from living in the present and moving forward to the future. This presentation reveals the secret of how to truly let go of the past with all of its regrets, mistakes, and sorrows. It points us to a beautiful new beginning that awaits each broken heart.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Even in the “scariest” part of the Bible, we find the love of God on full display. Discover how the seven last plagues give us insight into the beauty of the gospel and the glory of the cross!

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

All sin is hideous in the eyes of God, but there is one sin that is so grievous that it cannot be forgiven. The only way to avoid it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. But what does that mean? Listen to the earnest cry from a God that is desperate to save us!

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

The Second Coming of Jesus is the most anticipated event in human history. But many sincere Christians have been deceived on this critical topic. In this video, you will learn 6 facts about the return of Jesus! Will there be a secret rapture? What will happen to the wicked when Jesus returns? What events will accompany this great event? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this video!

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May God lead and bless you friend as you study His word!

Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

The 3 Angels' Message is God's final warning to the world. In this solemn warning is contained the Seal of God - a call to worship God as our Creator. At the end of time, everyone on earth will have either the Seal of God or the Mark of the Beast. What is this Seal, and how do we obtain it?! Watch this video to find out!

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A special thank-you to Kaili Kimbrow for the beautiful piano music!

Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

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