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2 Views · 2 years ago

Breath of Life Crusade I - 30 THE LAUGHTER OF GOD - Pastor CD Brooks by American Cassette Ministries

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 4-Bible Prophecy's Answer for Human Suffering, series with David Asscherick part 4 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy at One of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel. Amazing facts that will open your eyes to what the Bible really says about End Times. This is the full presentation. Why is there so much suffering in the world and why does God allow suffering. Answers to these questions in more in this powerful series by David Asscherick

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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This presentation continues in the same vein as part three, by looking behind the scenes of history in the stories of Job, Ahab's death, and King Herod slaying the children, but spends most of the time examining the story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. This event is a prime example of the supernatural battle fought out in human history as promised in Genesis 3:15, as Satan arranges things that appear to stop the Messiah/Seed from coming, but God uses an extraordinary means to keep the holy line afloat.

It is a beautiful story that shows that God used both Jews and Gentiles as progenitors in the line of the Seed who would someday save all peoples who believed in Him. The Bible is not Israel centered, but Seed centered. The holy line of the patriarchs before the flood and the line that continued in Israel after the flood were God's chosen means to bring the Messiah into the world, but they were not the only people God wanted to save. All peoples who accept the true and only viable Seed of Abraham, Christ, become His seed by faith and sharers in the promises made to Abraham.

Pastor Bohr discusses the Hebrew laws of the kinsman/redeemer that were applied in this story and how they are an illustration of what Jesus would come down and do for us as the divine/human Brother and Redeemer of all peoples. Jesus would restore Adam's lost dominion, redeem us from the slavery his sin brought upon the human race and give us access once more to the Tree of eternal life. This beautiful and touching sermon shows that Satan's conspiracy to thwart God's plans in history always backfires.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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This presentation continues in more detail what was outlined in part two. Pastor Bohr traces in detail the two methods Satan used against the holy seed down through the events of Bible history, starting with the slaying of Abel and the corruption of the holy line, when the sons of God mixed marriages with the seed of Cain just before the flood, and going right on down to the persecution of the remnant in the last days. The captivities of Israel; the hard time they had entering Canaan; the famines; the persecutions; the descents of God's people into worldliness and idolatry were all used by him to try to snuff out any chance of the Messiah coming, yet God always has a counterbalance to his plans.

All the stories of the Bible have this same thread of two supernatural powers working behind the scenes of history woven through them. Satan, having failed at keeping Abraham's promised Seed, Jesus, from coming, now vents his fury upon Christ's body, His church, as he uses the same two methods of compromise with the world and persecution to accomplish his ends against the remnant of the woman's holy seed.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Electrical devices aren’t the only things that burn out. People and relationships do too, and often for the same reason - overload. In this digital age where we’re bombarded with multiple messages requiring instant action, we’re under pressure, with less time to do more. How do we survive in this?

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2 Views · 2 years ago

When you are lost, a GPS is helpful. But when you are trapped, you require a rescue plan. British yachtsman Tony Bullimore and two underground miners from Beaconsfield, Tasmania, share their amazing rescue stories and recount the joy of reunion with friends and family after their near-death experiences.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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In this lesson, Pastor Bohr examines Ezekiel 28 and other texts which provide us glimpses into the mystery of how Lucifer, who was created perfectly by God, made choices which turned him into the being who has caused such havoc in the universe. He somehow let his God-given wisdom, beauty, riches and power be directed to increasingly selfish ends rather than in sharing with others. He turned against the very principles of the Law that he had been a covering cherub for and has, since then, battled to overthrow God and His government. He convinced many angels to buy his lies that created beings are inherently gods in themselves and do not need to look to an outside source for guidance on what is good or evil, and, after being expelled from heaven, he took those same arguments to earth and overthrew our race.

The main weapons Satan uses against us are deceit and force. In his attack against Christians in the last days, he will appear as an angel of light, working through various ministers and religious leaders to get them to separate God's law from love and tell their hearers that some of the Ten Commandments were done away with at the cross and that we do not need them all to show us what true love is.

This sermon will show you how, by examining the arguments satan used on the angels and on Adam and Eve, we can escape from those same tried and true formulas that he will try to use on us to separate us from the love of the truth, for: "In the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils" (1Tim. 4:1).

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Before this earth was created, it was a mass without form that was empty and dark. God created life and an atmosphere for it to survive in. But because of sin, someday this earth will be destroyed and will go back to its primeval, abysmal state during the Millennium.

Pastor Bohr compares Revelation 20 with the seldom studied millennial prophecies of Jeremiah 4 and Isaiah 24 and shows how those who think that Jesus will rapture people secretly, and then seven years later will come down and rule for 1,000 years of peace here on earth, are simply mistaken. Rather, the evidence shows that the righteous will be in heaven judging the wicked, who are all dead during this period. It is satan and his angels who will be chained as in a prison to this empty and dark planet, with no one left to tempt, to think about the destruction and misery they have brought into the universe.

Pastor Bohr demonstrates how the seven last plagues will reverse each step of creation back to where it started, and will fully devastate our planet into an uninhabitable place where no creature could even live during the Millennium. He reveals what the mysterious "bottomless pit" is by examining the word as used in other places in Scripture that describes a place where both the living and the dead are cast. He also shows another method of how the year/day principle is demonstrated by comparing these Millennium texts.

Isaiah says that men are responsible for the destruction of the earth because they have transgressed God's laws, changed His Sabbath and broken His everlasting covenant. Contrary to what many teach today, this sermon also shows that the flood story makes it clear that those who will be left when Jesus comes are those who are the righteous and those who are taken away and destroyed are the wicked. Satan wants men to believe in a Millennium of peace here on earth so he can fool them with his final masterpiece of deception in imitating the coming of Christ. Only after the 1,000 years are over will the New Jerusalem come down from heaven and God will recreate this earth back to Edenic perfection and make it the capital of the universe.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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In this presentation, Pastor Bohr shows that those who doubt the story of Noah's Ark and the worldwide flood must also discount the testimony of Jesus, Peter and Paul, who all spoke and wrote about Noah and the flood as being real. He shares several reasons why this story is historically true and is also prophetic of end time events. He discusses how satan, by influencing the mixing of Seth's descendants, called the "sons of God", with Cain's rebellious descendants in marriage, almost destroyed the holy line from which the Messiah would come until there were hardly any righteous men left on earth. The mixture of Christianity with the world is leading to increasingly similar results in these last days as the love of pleasure, greed, idleness, pride, sexual sins and violence corrupt many in the church as well as unbelievers.

Pastor Bohr also shows how the shut door of the ark, the seven days they had to wait inside, and the words that the wicked were "taken away", all have important meaning for the understanding of last day events. Jesus gave four parables at the end of His talk about the signs of His coming that show how we are to prepare for what is ahead. This sermon will encourage you to heed the "three angels" who sound a warning message similar to Noah's, to separate from the sins of "Babylon", to put your all into building up the cause of God and to leave the results with Him.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

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There was no suffering or death in the Garden of Eden, but after sin we have become a disarrayed world full of violence, terrorism, abuse, greed, disease and suffering.

This sermon delves into the results of sin that affect us and how our hearts became corrupt, "deceitful and desperately wicked" (Jer.17:9). We need to see that we cannot trust our own hearts and desires but need a power beyond us to guide us. We sin because we are born with selfish and corrupt natures that naturally cause evil actions.

Pastor Bohr describes our hopeless sinful condition and then shows how God's Law was given to wake us up to our corruption and send us to Christ for cleansing and power to live a changed life. Those who try to lessen the importance of God's Law or do away with any of its commandments, do away with the only standard that tells us what sin is, for: "I would not have known sin except through the Law". (Rom. 7:7)

Christ came to forgive us for our past sins, by taking the penalty and curse for our breaking of the Law upon Himself when He died. Then the Spirit comes and gives us a new heart transplant, so that we obey God out of love and gratefulness for all He has done for us.

Many Christians want the forgiveness part, but do not like to dwell on the changes needed in the life to live up to the high standard God has set for us to reach in Christ Jesus. This sermon shows the steps to the new birth from our old natures, how we come to hate sin by seeing what it did to Jesus, and how to feed our new natures so they can grow to maturity.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

A big issue and key in the interpretation of Bible prophecy is the matter of correctly identifying who true Israel is in Scripture. Should we interpret the scriptural meaning of Israel, as understood by New Testament writers, to refer to those who are simply literal descendants of Abraham, and therefore interpret prophecies referring to Israel as only having fulfillment in some supposed future Jewish dispensation, after a secret rapture, as most preachers teach today, or do we apply them as meaning anyone who has accepted and follows Christ, Abraham's true Seed, as the Messiah? Pastor Bohr proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Israel that God accepts and fulfills His promises to today are individuals from any nation who have accepted Christ as the Messiah and that no promise will be fulfilled to Israel as a secular nation anymore because they did not accept Him when He came and still do not. He studies Jesus' fig tree and vineyard parables and delves especially into what Paul has to say in Galatians 4 about the spiritual meaning of Hagar's son Ishmael and Sarah's son Isaac. He shows how both sons were Abraham's literal seed, but only those born of faith into the second birth, represented by Isaac, can inherit the promises made to Abraham, made viable by his Seed, Christ. Therefore, those literal Jews who do not become reborn as spiritual Jews by faith in Jesus are really Ishmaelites/Arabs and any Ishmaelites who accept Him are really Jews in God's reckoning. Only by both accepting Jesus could there ever be any lasting peace in the Middle East. We all must be born again spiritually into Christ and leave behind the natural first birth of our own works, which leads to slavery to sin and disinheritance of the promises. The key to prophecy is Jesus, not Israel. This lesson is crucial in properly understanding the language referring to Israel, Zion, Megiddo and Babylon found in the book of Revelation.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Revelation 12 bears a very close resemblance to Genesis 3:15, as well as to the life of Moses and the Exodus story, and is one of the best examples in the Bible of the unfolding of the battle between the woman and her Seed against the dragon and his seed.

Pastor Bohr carefully compares the three passages to help understand what is meant by these symbols. Revelation 12 describes three major stages in the Great Controversy, culminating in the final warfare where the dragon vents his utmost fury against the remnant of the woman's seed. There are many fascinating comparisons in this lecture that show clearly that Moses' life prefigured Christ's experience, as well as His church's battle in the wilderness of temptation and compromise as the devil tried to overthrow her.

Pastor Bohr answers questions about what happened to satan because of the cross and why he didn't want Christ to die on it, yet at the same time he had been trying to kill Him earlier throughout His life. He also answers what is meant by the Seed's seed and why the end time saints are called the remnant.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

The events of Revelation 12 are expanded upon in Revelation 13. Pastor Bohr here compares chapter 13 with Daniel 7 as the battle between the Prince and the dragon is described in more detail. The symbols in Daniel 7 of four beasts, ten horns, winds and waters, and the identity of the little horn are all clearly deciphered.

He then shows how the first beast of Revelation 13 is the same power as the little horn Antichrist. Just as Nebuchadnezzar tried to change God's order of prophetic events, so most Christians today have been fooled by the devil to think that the Antichrist has not appeared in history yet, but this presentation proves otherwise. This Antichrist beast has two major stages in history and has almost fully revived after it had been given what appeared to be a deadly wound.
Pastor Bohr unravels the clues in these chapters as to who this beast is, how it was judged at the end of its first stage, and how to find the meaning of the number 666 which represents its name.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

The book of Genesis is a book about origins. In fact, the name Genesis means precisely that, origins. Now, allow me to mention as we begin our study today the things which the book of Genesis mentions as originating. First of all, we have the origin of the cosmos. That is, of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1 and verse 1. Cracking the Genesis Code

We have the origin of plants spoken of in Genesis Chapter 1. We have the origin of animals. We have the origin of man… The origin of woman… The origin of sin… The beginning or the origin of death… The beginning or the origin of redemption… The beginning of nations… The beginning of languages… The beginning of Israel… And even the beginning of the Arabs, or the Arabic nations. 

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2 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

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Revelation NOW: Episode 2 "Earth’s Last Empire" with Doug Batchelor

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⁣Revelation NOW: Episode 3

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A 1986 Film by Gateway Films among others written by Ben Steed

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Dr Ross Grant is a Biochemical Pharmacologist and CEO of the Australasian Research Institute. Dr Grant specializes in identifying how emotional stress, diet and exercise produce changes in the body’s biochemistry that lead toward either health or disease.

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2 Views · 2 years ago

Pei-Ying, Christiana, Travis, and Isaiah create a yummy "Oatmeal Coconut Cookies" on this episode of Tiny Tot Kitchen. Join the tiny tots and Miss Cinda as they learn how to make recipes and have fun doing it.


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