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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago


3 cups of red cabbage - thinly chopped
2 cups of white cabbage - thinly chopped
2 cups of carrot - grated
1 cups of mung bean sprouts
2 tbsp of black sesame seeds
2 cups of fresh coriander

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 1- "Revelation’s Startling Predictions for the 21st Century" with Mark Finley
The new millennium is here—and with it a new interest in prophecy. Millions wonder: What will happen next? Where are we headed? The Bible has proven reliable throughout the centuries. Its prophecies have been fulfilled with uncanny accuracy for thousands of years.

Join International Evangelist Mark Finley as he explores the great prophecies of the Bible revealing God’s plan for our future. Millions of people wonder where in the world are we headed? Will this world be destroyed in some nuclear holocaust?  Will global warming or some other natural disaster destroy this planet?  There is hope. The Bible’s last book Revelation reveals God’s plan for the future.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 4- "Revelation’s Star Wars: The Battle Behind the Throne" with Evangelist Mark Finley
All through the book of Revelation angels are prominent, appearing in almost every chapter. There's an angelic conflict outlined in Revelation that overshadows anything we human beings can imagine...

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 6- "Revelation’s Source of Spiritual Power"
Join International Evangelist Mark Finley as he explores the great prophecies of the Bible revealing God’s plan for our future. Millions of people wonder where in the world are we headed? Will this world be destroyed in some nuclear holocaust?  Will global warming or some other natural disaster destroy this planet?  There is hope. The Bible’s last book Revelation reveals God’s plan for the future.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 9- “Revelation’s Final Judgement” with Evangelist Mark Finley
The United States Supreme Court is a symbol of the majesty of law and justice in a world that’s often tragically unfair. But each of us has a case pending before the highest tribunal of all—the Supreme Court of the Universe!

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 11- “Revelation’s Eternal Sign in Earth’s Last Conflict” with Evangelist Mark Finley
In the Bible’s last book, Revelation, God is on center stage as Creator of the universe. John was caught up in vision to an amazing scene in heaven’s throne room. What he saw was so dazzling as to be almost beyond description—something you’d only see in your wildest dreams.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 17- “Revelation’s New Life” with Evangelist Mark Finley
We may have forgotten just how deeply God is committed to freedom. Learn what the "New Life" holds for you.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 20- “Why So Many Denominations?” with Evangelist Mark Finley.
Sooner or later everyone faces a disturbing question: why so many denominations? If Christ is supposed to bring people together, why have His followers split into so many factions? Why do so many different groups claim to be the One True Church? In this presentation–learn what the Bible says about this topic.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 21- “Revelation’s Last Appeal” with Evangelist Mark Finley
The book of Revelation reveals truth and exposes error. God doesn’t want us to be deceived. He longs for us to be preserved and protected by His truth.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Program 26- “Revelation’s World of Tomorrow”
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the subject of heaven! People have many different ideas about what heaven is like. Learn what the Bible has to say about heaven.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Who is the antichrist? Is he an open political opposer of Christ, or a subtle religious imposter of Christ? The Bible reveals 10 fingerprints that expose the exact identity of the antichrist and his greatest deception. You will be surprised!

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Have you ever wondered what happens to a person at death? Where exactly are our loved ones who have passed away? When we suffer loss, the Bible gives a clear message of hope. Discover the answers you’ve been searching for.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

There are over 1,500 different denominations in America! If there is only one God, why so many options? This presentation traces the history of the church from the first to the twenty-first century. It shows how it began as one but then split into thousands of different denominations. Through the mysterious symbols of the four horsemen, we will discover how the devil sought to divide God's people. However, God is bringing His people together in the unity of Spirit and truth!

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

God employs the strong language of harlotry and drunkenness​ to describe​ an end-time​ religious​ system that will spread false doctrine, thus deceiving the world. Yet God has many of His people in these religious​ institutions. The final call in the last days is for His people to come out! Here is the final message of mercy given to the whole world before the end.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

In the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse, we find the identifying characteristics of the beloved bride of Christ. God's end-time remnant church is the last one standing in the great conflict between good and evil. Her members are the survivors of the longest war. Discover the fingerprints that reveal the identity of God's true church of the last days!

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Jesus instructed us to understand and recognize the last abomination that would bring final desolation to our world. This mysterious topic has grabbed the attention of Bible students, but many have failed to see its true meaning. Only as we look back to the past can we understand what is about to take place in the future. In this gripping prophecy, we will discover how the abominations of history are being repeated today. This presentation lays the foundation for the mark of the beast issue.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

An ancient prophecy in Revelation reveals the rise of a mighty superpower in the last days. Discover the role the USA will play on the global stage in fulfilling the final prophecies at the end of time.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Is it possible to lose your salvation? Can we fall out of the grace of God once we’re in it? What does the Bible actually teach about eternal security? This is a study that examines individuals who had a beautiful beginning but a tragic ending. Their lives teach us the important lessons of spiritual endurance and eternal assurance.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

The Bible is the inspired word of God. It inspires us, comforts us, reveals the secrets to health, peace and joy, and shows us how we can have eternal life. But how can we receive all these benefits? How can we understand the Bible and get the most out if it's sacred pages? Learn how in this powerful video - "How to Read the Bible"!

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