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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 12-How to Get and to Remain Undeceived, series with David Asscherick part 12 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at Nobody wants to be deceived and the problem is, without careful, prayerful study and the willingness not only to search the Bible for truth but be willing to accept it as the Holy Spirit leads, then we will continue to believe that we are not deceived. "people that are being deceived do not believe they are being deceived. So come prepared to learn Bible truth, the Word of God with a prayerful heart. We actually encourage you to pray before, during and after each sermon and bring your Bible and follow along. Download the free studyguides. This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media presents Discover Prophecy 18-The Good News About Hell, series with David Asscherick part 18of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at Come prepared to learn Bible truth, the Word of God with a prayerful heart. We actually encourage you to pray before, during and after each sermon and bring your Bible and follow along. Download the free studyguides. This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

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In this presentation, which expands on similar themes that have been discussed in the last couple sermons, Pastor Bohr traces how Jesus Christ took Adam's place as the son of God and representative of our race by coming to this earth, overcoming sin in our human nature and presenting His perfect life before the Father in His sacrifice on the cross. In this way, He recovered the kingship, dominion and eternal life that Adam had forfeited by giving his allegiance to the devil and becoming his slave.

In the Bible, Jesus is called both the Son of God and the Son of Man. He is the Ladder from heaven and is the only real priest that has ever lived, since He is both fully God and man and therefore understands the nature of both. He could not have saved us if He only had the nature of God, therefore, He became the Kinsman-Redeemer of our race as our older Brother and is therefore pledged to protect us from the bully Satan and his abuses when we call on His name in faith.

Pastor Bohr discusses how far down the ladder in His human nature that Jesus came to both understand and save us. He also shows why Christ is called both the Father and the Son of Abraham and David. He ends by showing how we become sons and daughters of God by faith and that baptism is the symbol that we are now the brothers and sisters of Jesus and have taken His family name upon us

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Miss Cinda and tiny tots, Rachel, Christiana, Ben, and Carter learn how to make “Oatmeal Cookies My Way.”


Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Hope Media​ presents Discover Prophecy 10-The Rock that Simply Will Not Roll - Part 2, series with David Asscherick part 10 of 24 available to watch, listen or buy or download studyguides at​ Who is your rock, the Rock? This is one of the best prophecy series using the Bible to find out the truth about Revelation and Daniel.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

The laws of a country tell us a lot about its people and their character. Beyond Rules visits a country that has tried to resist the influence of law, and also explores how love makes a huge difference in our attitude towards rules.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Miraculously preserved for two millennia, ancient scrolls contain a narrative that places our world in the middle of a cosmic drama. Beyond Belief looks for confirmation that what these texts contain can be trusted as true.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Do you want to live a life without pain? Although we don’t like it, pain is a vital part of life! Yet we challenge the reason for its existence when we ask questions like, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" or "How could a loving God allow pain?" Beyond Pain explores physical, mental and spiritual pain to reveal deeper, life changing issues.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

God tested Adam and Eve by giving them a very simple command to obey and telling them what the results would be if they broke it, but He did not explain the reason He was testing them. Neither of them had actually seen Christ create them or anything else, so their faith in God's word that He was their Creator, and their love for who He was and all He had done for them, would be demonstrated by their choice of obedience to His command not to eat from the tree.

Satan is the master of deception and he approached Eve on the grounds that since she had not seen God create them, how would she know that He was actually their Creator and authority who made the rules for His creation to run smoothly by, and he made her wonder if God was jealously trying to keep them from entering a higher sphere as His equals by denying them access to the tree that would give them godlike qualities and power to make their own rules of life.

To help us escape his devices, Pastor Bohr studies five methods of deception that Satan used on Eve and will also use with great success at the end of time. Acting like an angel of light and working to deceive, not only with worldly conduits, but especially with many influential leaders under the guise of Christian religious authorities, he will perform signs, wonders and miracles, misuse and misquote God's Word, and get people to rely on their senses, emotions and internal impressions of "being led by the Spirit of love" rather than on the Word of God and its clear Ten Commandments which define what true love is, in order to try to deceive even the very elect if possible. Satan will especially attack the sign given in God's Law that points to who our Creator and authority is. The majority of the world and of professed Christians will be lost "because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved", but believed "the lie" and "had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2Thess.2:10-12). The counterfeit will pan itself off as the genuine and we must be prepared to resist what Eve fell for and overcome the way Jesus did when He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

When God created this earth, He provided and set up eight perfectly balanced elements and laws that man was to use to keep himself in good health. Pastor Bohr examines how these laws were to be adapted and implemented at five distinct periods of human history. He describes the effects that the entrance and curse of sin had in changing certain conditions in nature and how the second curse of the flood even further degraded and changed conditions on the earth which affected health and longevity. He discusses why the Tree of Life was taken from man after sin and how it, and all of what God originally created for our best health, will once again be restored to man in the new earth's Eden.

God has an ideal health plan for man today and how much we buy into that plan affects our happiness and our ability to discern God's will, to overcome sin and to build holy characters, which are needed now more than ever before in order to endure the trials of faith and temptation and to develop the unyielding stamina necessary to face the closing scenes of this earth's history. Our bodies are temples for the spiritual indwelling of the Holy Spirit and therefore deserve the best of care. "The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being" (MH 130). Breathing pure air, drinking and properly applying water, getting enough sunlight, exercise and rest, practicing temperance, eating a healthy diet and trusting in God's power are the factors that help to keep the vitality we each were born with at a premium.

Pastor Bohr delves into some fascinating scientific evidence that shows that each of us inherit from our parents a constitutional energy or vital force that we can either foolishly burn off too fast by bad habits and overindulgence or conserve for the times we will need it most by a wise and proper use of our powers in forming correct and balanced health habits. For those who question whether a Christian should drink alcohol, smoke, and use unclean or other meats, he examines principles from the Bible that show us what our motivation should be in learning how to discern what is good or bad for us to partake in and what the ideal diet is that God intended for man. This is a health lecture with a different twist than any you may have heard before and those who purchase the study guide that goes with this series will find it valuable to have a fuller picture of this important subject.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

The book of Genesis is a book about origins. In fact, the name Genesis means precisely that, origins. Now, allow me to mention as we begin our study today the things which the book of Genesis mentions as originating. First of all, we have the origin of the cosmos. That is, of the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1 and verse 1. Cracking the Genesis Code

We have the origin of plants spoken of in Genesis Chapter 1. We have the origin of animals. We have the origin of man… The origin of woman… The origin of sin… The beginning or the origin of death… The beginning or the origin of redemption… The beginning of nations… The beginning of languages… The beginning of Israel… And even the beginning of the Arabs, or the Arabic nations. 

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

These presentations will help you comprehend the intimate relationship between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience.

On the surface the book of Genesis appears to be a mere collection of ancient stories. But don't be fooled! Beneath the external simplicity lies a secret code which, when broken, reveals in no uncertain terms what will happen in the future. These presentations will help you comprehend the intimate relationship between the first book of the Bible, Genesis, and the last book, Revelation. Don't miss this life changing experience. 52 sermons in this series.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Not only did Jesus apply the story of Noah as having parallel end time events, but He also said that the story of Lot in Sodom is both historical and prophetic as well. Pastor Bohr shares amazing comparisons between the judgment messages of the three angels that visited Sodom just before it fell and the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14 who warn of a judgment of fire and brimstone coming upon those who refuse to leave spiritual Babylon, who commits spiritual immorality, is focused on materialism and is full of self-satisfied ease and pride.

Like Lot, who tried to warn any who might be still righteous to get out of the city, we are called with a message for God's people to come out of this worldwide corrupted system before it is too late. The angels protecting Lot and closing shut the door of his house, the smoke rising from Sodom, the "eternal fire" that burned Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, the four types of people described in this story, all have their counterparts in the final judgment of this world. Many believe the wicked will be the ones burning forever in hellfire, but Pastor Bohr shows us how the Bible clearly says that only the righteous will be able to survive and live in the eternal fire.

Find out what this "fire" really is and how this story proves the Adventist view of the doctrine of hell to be the correct one. He also shares what Christians need to be like in order to become fireproof, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were, and to stand through the judgment and the final destruction of this world.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

In this presentation Pastor Bohr studies ten points about the nature of man. He answers the following questions with many Bible texts and examples: What is life? What is the body composed of? What is the spirit of man? What is the soul and what happens to it after we die? How was man created? What was the Tree of Life for in Eden and why were angels sent to guard it? Does man have an immortal soul? What is death? Why does the Bible refer to it as sleep? Where does man go when he dies? If we die is there hope for living again? When will death be totally eradicated? Will everyone eventually make it to heaven? How do we reconcile texts which say that we have eternal life right now with others that say we will rise at the resurrection? How is the need for Jesus having come to earth to die for us and His coming again to take us to heaven affected by what we believe about this subject? Why are these things especially important to understand in these last days?

In a world saturated with the occult influencing Hollywood movies, astrologers, channelers and New Age mystics and with reports of many people claiming to have near death experiences and to see and talk to angelic visitors or deceased loved ones, we need to be armed with understanding the hidden motives and forces behind these spiritual phenomena that claim there is immediate life beyond death. As with every wrong doctrine, how we look at this subject determines whether our belief brings glory to God or glory to man and the devil.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

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This second presentation about the history and meaning of seventh-day Sabbath observation shows how the manna episode in the time of Moses was, not only a way to teach the importance of worshiping God the way He has asked us to, but also a prophecy pointing forward to Jesus, the true Bread of Life, Who would die on a Friday and rest in the tomb on Sabbath in His recreating us and giving us a second chance.

He paid the death penalty that we deserved, according to the instructions given through Moses in regard to the breaking of the Sabbath and all the other commandments. Thus, the Sabbath now also commemorates our trust and rest in His work of redemption as well as in our original creation. Pastor Bohr shows how the Sabbath was intended as an eternal sign of our acceptance of these things and was given not only for literal Jews, but for all people who become spiritual Israel when they accept Christ. He also compares the two versions of the Ten Commandments, as found in Exodus and Deuteronomy, and unfolds an enlightening difference in the motivation and reason they give for keeping the Sabbath commandment, that most of the Christian world has not recognized in them. He examines what the prophets said about how the Sabbath is a delight to keep, how Israel was punished by the Babylonian captivity for breaking it, and how the Gentiles would adopt it both then and in the future as they accepted Christ.

We also see in this sermon how Jesus is the Creator and Lord of the Sabbath, how He gave us an example in how to keep it, how Paul and the other apostles kept it and how we will still celebrate it in the re-created New Earth, giving us a third reason for keeping it a holy and special.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

As a teenager, Doug Batchelor had everything money could buy—everything but happiness. His search led him to drugs, fights, and suicidal fantasies. Convinced that life held no purpose, he soon found himself scavenging food from garbage bins and living in a cave in the hills above Palm Springs.

The happiness Doug wanted eluded him until the day he began reading the dust-covered Bible someone had left in his cave. What happened next can only be described as a miracle! Today, Pastor Doug is president of Amazing Facts, an international multimedia ministry, and can be seen and heard around the world on television and radio programs such as Central Study Hour, Amazing Facts Presents, and Bible Answers Live.

Doug's down-to-earth approach to living the Christian life stems from his own experiences. He is an energetic man of vision and deep spirituality with an unusual ability to communicate not only to church members, but also to the millions of secular-minded people of today. He is the author of dozens of books, including, The Richest Caveman, Caveman Theology, The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, Broken Chains, and At Jesus' Feet.

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