

Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

God employs the strong language of harlotry and drunkenness​ to describe​ an end-time​ religious​ system that will spread false doctrine, thus deceiving the world. Yet God has many of His people in these religious​ institutions. The final call in the last days is for His people to come out! Here is the final message of mercy given to the whole world before the end.

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

In the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse, we find the identifying characteristics of the beloved bride of Christ. God's end-time remnant church is the last one standing in the great conflict between good and evil. Her members are the survivors of the longest war. Discover the fingerprints that reveal the identity of God's true church of the last days!

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Seek Tv
6 Views · 2 years ago

Bible prophecy reveals the rise of a mighty prophetic movement, established in the last days for the purpose of finishing the work. This movement is called into existence for such a time as this, to give the full and final display of the love of God to the world. Discover your prophetic identity, purpose, and destiny in this compelling prophecy!

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Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

Jesus warned that there would be many false prophets in the last days, but He also promised that there would be true prophets too! So, how can we tell a true prophet from a false one? What are the biblical tests of a prophet? Has God raised up a prophet in these last days? Discover the Bible answers in "Revelation’s Spirit of Prophecy!"

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Jesus instructed us to understand and recognize the last abomination that would bring final desolation to our world. This mysterious topic has grabbed the attention of Bible students, but many have failed to see its true meaning. Only as we look back to the past can we understand what is about to take place in the future. In this gripping prophecy, we will discover how the abominations of history are being repeated today. This presentation lays the foundation for the mark of the beast issue.

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Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

Is it a computer chip? Some kind of biometrics device? A smart card? Or how about a barcode with the number 666? There has been so much confusing speculation concerning the mark of the beast. This presentation separates fact from fiction and allows the Bible to interpret itself, revealing the truth about the mark of the beast. This is the most shocking prophecy in the whole Bible. Get ready to have your mind blown!

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

An ancient prophecy in Revelation reveals the rise of a mighty superpower in the last days. Discover the role the USA will play on the global stage in fulfilling the final prophecies at the end of time.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

Even in the “scariest” part of the Bible, we find the love of God on full display. Discover how the seven last plagues give us insight into the beauty of the gospel and the glory of the cross!

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Seek Tv
5 Views · 2 years ago

The final battle between good and evil is just upon us. Both sides in the battle are gathering their forces to victory. An unholy union is calling the whole world to unite for the purpose of making war against the people of God. Discover how you can be on the right side and on the winning team.

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Seek Tv
4 Views · 2 years ago

One of the ways in which the antichrist beast will gather the world into ecumenical unity is by the breath of his mouth and the lure of his tongue. He will counterfeit the gifts of the Spirit in order to deceive and mislead. This presentation breaks down the difference between the genuine and the counterfeit. Discover what the Bible really teaches about the gift of tongues.

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21 Views · 2 years ago

The love of God will accept us as we are, but it will not leave us as we are. The power of love is so potent that it brings transformation from the inside out. Revelation describes an entire generation of individuals who have been transformed by this love. Who are the 144,000, and how do they live? This study will examine their prophetic and practical characteristics.

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Seek Tv
2 Views · 2 years ago

All sin is hideous in the eyes of God, but there is one sin that is so grievous that it cannot be forgiven. The only way to avoid it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. But what does that mean? Listen to the earnest cry from a God that is desperate to save us!

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Seek Tv
4 Views · 2 years ago

This is a study that examines one of the saddest stories in the Bible. We will walk through 10 terrible mistakes committed by the greatest coward in all of Scripture. His is a life that teaches us about solemnity and non-neutrality in the decisions we make. It is an urgent appeal for us to make the right choice!

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Seek Tv
3 Views · 2 years ago

Is it possible to lose your salvation? Can we fall out of the grace of God once we’re in it? What does the Bible actually teach about eternal security? This is a study that examines individuals who had a beautiful beginning but a tragic ending. Their lives teach us the important lessons of spiritual endurance and eternal assurance.

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Seek Tv
1 Views · 2 years ago

This final presentation is the best one of all. It is a glimpse into the glories that God is preparing for His children. It takes our imagination from this dark world below, into the bright world above. Our hearts will grow homesick for heaven as the eye of faith looks into the eternal destiny of those who love God.

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